







This paper continues computer analysis of the un-indexed diffraction patterns in the ICDD PDF-2 database. Diffraction data of 747 different V compositions were selected from the database volumes №№1-50.

Experimental and calculated interplanar spacing and differences (dD = Dexp - Dcal) are listed in tables, which are presented in this paper. Number of reflections in a database cards was reduced to 12, which is sufficient to identify the crystalline phase. Exceptions were in the case of less number of reflections. Selected crystal lattices, in a few exceptions (low elevation), meet the necessary condition abs (dD) < (last sign Dexp), and also the modern authenticity criteria



vol. 1-8

vol. 12-14

vol. 15-18

vol. 19

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vol. 22

vol. 23

vol. 24-27

vol. 28

vol. 29-30

vol. 31-32

vol. 33-34

vol. 35

vol. 36

vol. 37

vol. 38

vol. 39

vol. 40

vol. 41

vol. 42-44

vol. 45

vol. 46

vol. 47

vol. 48

vol. 49-50


