Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology / ISSPMST RU EN
Nuclear Radiation Detectors

Department of pure metals, physics of metals and technology of new materials / R&D laboratory of new technological designing /

Samples of CdTe and CdZnTe Detector Spectra

241Am gamma-ray spectrum obtained with CdZnTe detector

57Co gamma-ray spectrum obtained with CdZnTe detector

137Cs (662 keV) gamma-ray spectrum obtained at 25°C with CdTe detector. FWHM = 14 keV

137Cs (662 keV) gamma-ray spectrum obtained at 25°C with Cd0.9Zn0.1Te detector. FWHM = 35 keV

55Fe и 241Am gamma-ray spectra obtained with CdZnTe detector, cooled to −30°С

Alpha-particle spectra of 226Ra source obtained with CdZnTe detector

Note: The spectra are obtained without the rise-time discrimination or pulse correction.

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