Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology / ISSPMST RU EN
Nuclear Radiation Detectors

Department of pure metals, physics of metals and technology of new materials / R&D laboratory of new technological designing /

Application of CdZnTe detectors for investigation of the spatial and energy distribution of high energy Bremsstrahlung

For optimization of an irradiated target size and its position in the accelerator a method of restoring the space distribution of the Bremsstrahlung field by measuring the surface activity of the photonuclear converter is proposed and implemented. A special radiometer is designed and developed using a linear matrix of CdZnTe detectors [S.P.Karasev et al., 2006].

The radiometer includes a linear matrix of 16 CdZnTe detectors, collimated by lead, sized 2×2×2 mm3 each, with ohmic contacts. The specific resistance of the detector is larger than 1010 Ohm×cm. Size of the module (detectors + preamplifiers) is 30×40×120 mm3, the equivalent self-noise of the electronic channel does not exceed 5 keV.

Linear matrix of CdZnTe detectors

Bremsstrahlung flux density distribution from the accelerator converter obtained with the linear matrix of CdZnTe detectors. The flux density distribution depends on the accelerator setup and operational mode. Axes X and Y display the distance in mm. The color scale is the activity of gamma-radiation in pulse/s

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