Our laboratory proposes:
- Cutting out of templates from equipment and pipelines without breakdown of structure integrity and strength of articles. Control of mechanical properties and structure of metal;
- Control of stressed-deformed state of equipment and pipelines;
- Performing of tensile/compressive tests;
- Testing of foils;
- Measurement with the use of extensometer of longitudinal and transverse deformation of specimen to failure with determining of Poisson coefficient in the range from -100oC to 1000oC;
- Testing for 3 and 4 points bends;
- Instrumental testing for impact bend (testing of specimens with different cuts (U,V) according to State Standard, ASTM).
You can address us for consultations:
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Ozhigov Leonid Semenovich - head of the laboratory of reactor tests of new materials and investigation of pressure vessel materials, candidate of physics and mathematics. Phone: +038 (057) 349 - 10 - 35E-mail: ozhigov@kipt.kharkov.uaTel/fax: +038 (057) 349 - 10 - 35He is leading specialist in the area of diagnosis and control of metal of equipment and of pipelines of power units of NPS with reactors WWER. He is author and coauthor of more than 250 scientific publications, of 20 inventions and of 2 certificates of intellectual property, winner of Zubarev prime and prime of Goskomatom of USSR on physics of radiation damage (1983) and methods of reactor tests (1987). areas of scientific activity and interests:
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Mitrofanov Anatoliy Sergeevich - Chief scientists of the laboratory of reactor tests of new materials and investigation of pressure vessel materials, candidate if technical sciences, chief scientist. Phone: +38 (057) 335 65 42E-mail: mitrofanov_as@ukr.netHe is the specialist in the area of reactor material science, investigation of operational damage and physical mechanisms of defect formation in structure materials. areas of scientific activity and interests:
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Parkhomenko Alexander Alexseevich - leading scientist in the area “physics of strength and plasticity of solids in conditions of reactor irradiation and under influence of charged particles and gamma-quanta” doctor of physics and mathematics, professor. Phone: +38 (057) 335 64 71E-mail: parkhomenko@kipt.kharkov.uaWinner of the award of Goskomatom of USSR (1983, 1987) He is author of more than 130 scientific publications and inventions, member of Coordination council of Ukrainian physical society. areas of scientific activity and interests: