МАГАТE Radiation Effect Consulting PNNL Argonne National Laboratory Ceradyne Boron Products Institute of applied physics of National University of Uzbekistan Andizhan State Medical University Republic of Uzbekistan Institute of physics, Vilnius “LEKO”, Czech Republic National Academy of science of Armenia Istanbul technical university, Istanbul Hauser Techno Coating BV, the Netherlands
Donskoy State Agricultural University. Persianovka, Novocherkask JSC Chepetz Mechanical Factory, Chepetz FSUE “NIIEFA” named by D.V.Efremov, St.Petersburg VNIIKHT, Moscow High Research Institute of Inorganic Materials named by Bochvar, Moscow National Research Nuclear University “Moscow engineer-physical institute”, Moscow MSTU “Stankin” Moscow Belgorod State National Researching University Institute of problems of superplastisity of metals RAS, Ufa BashSU, Ufa, RF Beijing Academy of Space Researches Harbin Polytechnical University, Harbin ZLBM Muehlenbein KG Sukhum Physical-Technical Institute, Tbilisi
Kiev Institute of physics of metals named by G.V.Kurdyumov of NAS of Ukraine, Kiev Institute of electrical welding named by E.O. Paton of NAS of Ukraine, Kiev ”Interatom instrument”, Kiev Institute of problems of mechanical engineering named by Franzevich, Kiev Institute of geochemistry of environment of NAS of Uktraine, Kiev Dnepropetrovsk OOO “Pobedit”, Dnepropetrovsk JSC, firm “Dneprotekhservice” , Dnepropetrovsk Yujmash, Dnepropetrovsk
Kharkov State enterprises “Science-research technological institute of instrument engineering“ Kharkov KB “Yuzhnoe” Institute of scintillation materials (ISMA) of NAS of Ukraine, Kharkov Kharkov military hospital ”Radon”, Kharkov ”Alm-laser”, Kharkov JSC “Turboatom”, Kharkov State enterprises “Institute of pathology of spine and joints named by professor M.I.Sitenko of NAMS”, Kharkov Institute of monocrystals of NAS of Ukraine, Kharkov, AC “Ukrroentgen” SE KMF “FED”, Kharkov Kharkov aviation factory, Kharkov IPMash named by A.N.Podgorny, Kharkov GSP “Kharkov GMSK”
Zaporoj`e Zaporojskiy factory of color metals JSC “Motor Sich”, Zaporoj`e Jeltie Vodi UkrNDIiPT, Jeltie Vodi “Positron GmbH”, Jeltie Vodi Other cities of Ukraine Odessa cable factory “Odescable” ATOMENERGOMASH, Energodar GNPP “Zirconium”, Dneprodzherzhinsk JSC science-industrial firm “GRAIS-ENGINEERING”, Sumi Institute of physical-organic chemistry and coal chemistry named by L.M. Litvinenko of NAS of Ukraine, Donetzk