Results of scientific activity:
- One of the first industrial use of the method AIS was the protection from atmospheric and hydride corrosion of articles for Ministry of engineering. For realization of the developed technology a series of industrial plants was produced: AIR-1 (1978), AIR-2 (1979), AIR-3 (1986-1990) and in the future AIR-3M (2008), AIR-ELA60 (2010) allowing deposit ion-plasma coatings on the base of chromium, titanium, niobium and other materials;
- High efficiency of atom-ion coatings on the base of niobium and carbon is demonstrated for protection of operating blades of latest stage of steam turbines. Formed coatings provide the increase of cavity resistance by more than one order also as increase of erosion resistance of blade steel and satellite in conditions of accelerated drop-impact tests (rate of collision with drops – 440 m/s). Test lot of blades with developed coatings for latest stages of steam turbines if transferred for service test (PTMZ, Poltava);
- Atom-ion coatings were effectively used for hardening of cutting edge of knifes of hand pneumatic hydraulic instrument of the type URGD.It was shown that knifes of hard alloy WC-Co may be replaced by knifes of carbon steel with developed in NSC KIPT coatings; ten-times increase of resistance of knifes in comparison with knife of hard alloy is observed;
- Atom-ion coatings were successfully tested on metal-processing plant (MP “Krivorojsteel”) as hardening coating on accident knifes for chiseling and transporting rolls for broaching of bar (increase of resistance in 6-10 times);
- Method AIR was successfully used for deposition of heat-resistant (Ni-Co-Cr-Al-Y) and thermal-isolating (Zro2-Y2O3) coatings for blades of gas-turbine engines of increased power. Higher parameters of density and adhesion of atom-ion coatings in comparison with coatings obtained by method of atomic deposition and others;
- Now is designed the experimental specimen of plant of new generation for plasma-chemical coating of materials with the use of electron-beam evaporation and HF ionization of vapor phase on the base of the plant of atom-ion evaporation of the type AIR with the gun power to 300 kW.
Our services. The examples:
Technologies of deposition of activated diffusion coatings are developed in ISSPMT according the following functional directions:

Protection of blades for turbines and non-cooling combustion chambers made of refractory metals for low – thrust rocket engines. Industrial mastering of developments guarantees the resistance of articles in products of fuel combustion at temperature up to 1600°CC. New development allows to increase the maximal temperature of combustion chamber service to 2000°CC.
Protection of articles of carbon-carbon materials. Developed coatings provide corrosion resistance in air in static conditions 1700°C. Coatings heat resistant to 2000°C are now under development.

Production of heaters for high-temperature atmospheric furnaces (service temperature to 1900…2000°C); Mo-W alloys with coatings constitute the base of these heaters. The special feature of such heaters is the high resistance to thermal fluctuation in the regime of switching on – switching off (more than 50 thermal fluctuations). The technology is industrially brought.
Hardening of cutting and treating tools of solid alloys of the type WC-Co, used for cutting of hardly-treating tough steels and alloys.

Protection of melting pots, tubes and different tooling from interaction with liquid metals (including precious metals and aluminum). Developments are successfully approved.
Hardening of articles of hard alloys of the type WC-Co, including structural elements of different facilities, used on production of artificial diamonds. Developments are successfully brought to the commercial level.

Wear resistant and anticorrosion coatings for different friction pairs, including for plain bearing, thrust ring and shafts produced of cheap low-carbon steels; for impellers of pumps, used for pumping over the petroleum and gas. Developments were industrially tested.
Anticorrosion coatings for protection of high-coercivity magnets of the type Nd-Fe-B.

Papers in foreign publishers:
- A. A. Andreev, V. M. Beresnev, M. A. Volosova, S. N. Grigoriev, D. A. Kolesnikov, A. D. Pogrebnyak, I. V. Serdyuk, O. V. Sobol’, and P. V. Turbin. Tribological Characteristics of Nanocomposite Vacuum–Plasma Ti–Hf, Ti–Hf–N, and Ti–Hf–Si–N Coatings // Journal of Friction and Wear, 2013, Vol. 34, No. 3, pp. 175–182. © Allerton Press, Inc., 2013
- V. Belous, V. Vasyliev, A. Luchaninov, V. Marinin, E.Reshetnyak, V.r Strel'nitskij, S.Goltvyanytsya, V.Goltvyanytsya. Cavitation and abrasion resistance of Ti-Al-Y-N coatings prepared by the PIII&D technique from filtered vacuum-arc plasma// Surface & Coatings Technology 223 (2013) .– Р. 68-74.
- Marchenko I. G., Marchenko I. I., Diffusion in the systems with low dissipation: Exponential growth with temperature drop// Europhisics Letters.–2012.–Vol.100.–Р.5005(4 pp.);
- V. Safonov, A. Zykova, J.Smolik, R.Rogowska, V.Luk’yanchenko, O.Vyrva, S.Yakovin The corrosion properties of zirconium and titanium load-bearing implant materials with protective oxide coatings // Proceeding of 13th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering, Linkoping University Electronic Press, Linkoping , Sweden 2013, N2,388-392.
- A.A. Andreev, V.N. Voyevodin, O.V. Sobol’, V.F. Gorban’, G.N. Kartmazov, V.A. Stolbovoy, V.V. Levenets, D.V. Lysan. Regularities In The Effect Of Model Ion Irradiation On The Structure And Properties Of Vacuum-Arc Nitride Coatings .// ВАНТ. – 2013. – № 5(87). – С. 142-146
- V.I.Zmij, S.G.Rudenkiy Research of a vacuum diffusion boron silification process for constructional materials //Physical surface engineering. – 10. – №1. – 2013. – Р.18-21
- The surface properties of Ta2O5 ceramic coatings and next correlations with cell response in vitro and in vivo tests / N.Donkov, V.Safonov, A. Zykova, V. Luk’yanchenko, D.Kolesnikov // Problems of Atomic Science and Technology, 2013, N1(83),p.195-197
- Examination of surface and material properties of nano structural oxide coatings for joint total and module replacement arthoplasty /A. Zykova, V. Safonov, J. Smolik , R. Rogowska, A. Samoilenko, N. Donkov, D. Kolesnikov, V. Lukyanchenko, I.Goncharov // Orthopaedics, Traumatology and Prosthetics. – 2013. – №2. – Р. 51-57
- A.N. Goltsev Application of nanocomposite coatings with different structural physical and chemical characteristics in tissue engineering/ I.V. Rassokha, T.G. Dubrava, L.V. Ostankova, M.V. Ostankov, E.A. Gordienko, V.I.Safonov, A.V. Zykova // Journal of Nano-and Electronic Physics (2013) Vol.5, N1, 01008 (5pp)
Papers in home publishers:
- O.V.Sobol, A.A.Andreev, S.N.Grigoriev, M.A.Volosiva, V.A.Stolbovoy, V.E.Filchikov, N.V.KIdanova, G.V.Antonenkova, N.Y.Cherkasova. Influence of permanent negative displacement potential on structure, substructure and stressed-deformed state of TiN-coatings// “Physics of metals and new technologies”. 2013 V.35.-N7.-P.943-951.
- O.V.Sobol, A.A.Andreev, V.F.Gorban, V.A.Stolbovoy, S.N.Grigorieva, M.A.Volosova, V.A.Stolbovoy, V.E.Fil`chikov, N.V.Kidanova. Use of pulsed ion stimulation for modifying the structure-stressed state and mechanical properties of vacuum-arc TiN-coatings. “Physics of metals and new technologies” -2013. – V.35. – N 7. P.953-963
- L.S.Ozhigov, G.N.Kartmazov, I,Y,Dobrovolskaya, Y.A.Bogatirev, A.S.Mitrofanov, V.I.Zmiy, V.V.Kunchenko, A.A.Andreev, N.F.Kartsev, N.D.Ribalchenko, I.M.Korotkova. Coatings for protection of steel 20 from corrosion-erosion wear in the medium of second loop of VVER-1000 // VANT-2013. – N5(87) – P.137-141
- V.G.Marinin, V.I.Kovalenko. Cavitation resistance of vacuumarc coating formed on bases with different orientation of PDF (Russian) // Thechnological audit and resources of production. – V.4. – N 2(12). -2013. P.15-18;
- V.I.Zmiy, S.G.Rudenkiy, N.F.Kartsev, V.V.Kunchenko, E.V.Timofeeva. -Production of complex erosion-resistant gas-diffusion coatings on steels// Powder metallurgy. -2013. N 11-12.
- I.G.Marchenko, I.I.Marchenko. Anomaly increase of diffusion in space-periodic systems with low dissipation of energy // Bulletin of Kharkov National University. – N1025. – Series. “Nuclei, particles, fields”. -2012. P.62-68.
- Use of nanocomposite coatings in technologies of cultivation of multipotentnykh mezenkhimnykh building cells.
- I.G.Marchenko, I.I.Marchenko. Transportation of particles in space-periodical potentials in underdeformed systems// Bulletin of Kharkov National University. – N1069. – Series. “Nuclei, particles, fields”. -2013. -Issue 4(60). - P.41-50
- A.A. Andreev, O.V. Sobol, S.N. Grigoriev, V.F. Gorban, M.A. Volosova, S.V. Aleshin, V.A. Stolbovoi. Effect of high-voltage pulsed on the structure and properties of titanium nitride vacuum-Arc coatings // Metal Science and Heat Treatment, Vol. 54, Nos. 3 – 4, July, 2012, p. 195-203.
- O.V. Sobol, A.A. Andreev, V.A. Stolbovoy and V.E. Filchikov. Structural-Phase and Stresses State of Vacuum-Arc-Deposited Nanosructural Mo-N Coutings Controlled be Substrate Bsas during Deposition // Technical Physics Letters, 2012, Vol 38, No 2, pp. 168-171.
- Zmiy V.I., Rudenkiy S.G., Rujova T.P., Timofeeva E.V., Kartzev N.F, Kunchenko V.V., Krochmal S.A., Kunchenko Y.V. Complex anticorrosion coatings on steels // VANT, 2012, N5, series PRD abd RMS (81), p.110-113.
- O.V.Sobol, A.A.Andreev, S.N.Grigoriev, V.F.Gorban, M.A.Volosova, S.V.Aleshin, V.A.Stolbivoy. On effect of high voltage pulses on structure and properties of vacuum-arc coatings of titanium nitride // Metal science and thermal treatment of metals. 2012. N4 (682), P.43-52.
- Sobol O.V., Andreev A.A., Stolbovoy V.A., Filchikov V.E. On possibility of control of phase-structure stressed state of vacuum-arc nano structural coatings of the system Mo-N by bias feed on substrate during deposition // Letters to JTP. 2012. Vol.38, N4, pp.26-33.
- Andreev A.A., Grigoriev S.N., Sobol O.V., Gorban V.F., Volosova M.A., Stolbovoy V.A., Serdyuk I.V. Peculiarity of production of extremely hard nano structural coatings of molybdenum nitride by vacuum-arc method //Hardening technologies and coatings (Moscow, Russia), 2012, N.1, p14-20.
- O.V.Sobol, A.A.Andreev, V.F.Gorban, N.A.Krapivka, V.A.Stolbovoy, I.V.Srdyuk, V.E. Folchikov. On reproducibility of one-phase structure state of multielement highly entropy system Ni-V-Zr-Nb-Hf and of high-hard nitrides on its base during the formation by vacuum-arc method // Letters to JTP, 2012, vol.38, issue 13, p. 40-46
- O.V.Sobol, A.A.Andreev, S.N.Grigoriev,M.A.Volosova, V.F. Gorban // Vacuum-arc multilayer nanostructural TiN/Ti coatings: structure, stressed state, properties// Metal science and thermal treatment of metals (MiTOM), N1 (679), 2012, p.28-33
- Змий В.И., Руденький С.Г., Кунченко В.В. Особенности активированной вакуумной химико-термической обработки материалов.// ВАНТ. Сер.ФРП и РП. 2011, вып. 2(97), с.155-158.
- А.А. Андреев, В.А. Столбовой, І.В. Сердюк. Вакуумно-дуговые сверхтвердые покрытия и их использование для упрочнения инструментов // Восточно-Европейский журнал передовых технологий. – 2011. – № 2/5 (50). – С. 65–69
2010 год
- Zmiy V.I., Rudenkiy S.G., Kunchenki V.V. Peculiarities of activated vacuum chemical-thermal treatment of materials // VANT, Series PRD and RMS 2011, issue 2(97), p.155-158
- A.A.Andreev, V.A.Stolbovoy, I.V.Serdyk. Vacuum-arc high-hard coatings and their use for strengthening of instruments // East-Europe journal of advanced technologies – 2011.- N2/5 (50). – P. 65-69