The Science and Technical Establishment
"Nuclear Fuel Cycle" (NFC STE)
NFC STE as a separate division of NSC KIPT was established pursuant to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers
of Ukraine No. 386 of May 29, 1993, Decree of the President of Ukraine No. 64/94 "On Urgent Measures for Developing Nuclear Power Industry and Establishing
Nuclear Fuel Cycle in Ukraine" of February 23, 1994, and NSC KIPT Executive Order No. 57 of April 18, 1994 based on the existing divisions to provide scientific
and technical support for the nuclear power industry of Ukraine in the areas of design, fabrication technology development, and operation of nuclear fuel fuel rods,
absorber rods, burnable absorber rods, fuel assemblies) for nuclear reactors of various types and purposes.
Our postal address: 1, Akademicheskaya str., Kharkov, 61108, Ukraine, NFC STE NSC KIPT
phone: +38(057)335-6500
fax: +38(057)335-3774