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PUBLICATIONS Monographs 1. Production of super pure rear metals // G.P.Kovtun, G.Ph.Tikhinskiy, V.M.Azhazha: M: metallurgy, 1986, 256 p. 2. Zirconium and its alloys (technology of production, area of utilization) // V.M.Azhazha, P.N. Vyugov, S.D.Lavrinenko, N.N.Pilipenko and ot. –Kh. NSC KIPT, 1998, 98 p.
Main publications 1. Azhazha V.M., Borts B.V., Butenko I.N., Vanzha A.F., Voyevodin V.N., Viygov P.N., Lavrinenko S.D., Pilipenko N.N. and oth. Vacuum-arc method of production of round billet of alloy Zr1%Nb // VANT. Series: “Physics of radiation damage and radiation material science”, -2005. N.5, p.110-114 2. Pilipenko N.N., Dolya I.B.., Viygov P.N. and others. Mechanical properties of hafnium // Inorganic mateials. – 2006. –V.42, N 6. –P.684-688 3. Azhazha V.M., Borts B.V., Butenko I.N., Voyevodin V.N., Lavrinenko S.D., Pilipenko N.N. Fabrication of the batch of round billets of track tubes and production of investigation-industrial batch of tubes of alloy Zr1Nb of home raw material // Science and innovations. – 2006.- V.2, N4. P.64-76 4. Azhazha V.M., Viygov P.N., Lavrinenko S.D., Pilipenko N.N. Vacuum conditions and EBM of zirconium // VANT. Series: “physics of radiation damage and radiation material science”, -2006. N4, P.144-151 5. Semenenko V.E. Pilipenko N.N., Posukhov A.S. High-strength and wear-resistant eutectic composites // Journal of Superhard materials. – 2006. – Vol.28, № 5. – С.57-62. 6. KrasnorutskiyV.S., Lavrinenko S.D., Azhazha V.M and others. Development and substantiation of life extension, safety and reliability of elements of the core of nuclear reactors – of fuel elements and fuel assemblies // Problems of resource and safety of operation of constructions, structures and machines: 36 scientific papers based on results obtained during 2004-2006 . Kiev, Institute of electrical welding named by E.A.Paton of NAS of Ukraine, 2006. P.228-231. 7. Azhazha V.M., Vyugov P.N., Lavrinenko S.D., Pilipenko N.N. and others. Determining of factors of increase of service life of structural materials and welded joint due to the decrease of hydrogen effect // Problems of service life and safety of operation of structures, constructions and machines: 36 scientific papers according to the results obtained during 2004-2006 y. – Kiev, Institute of electrical welding named by E.A.Paton of NAS of Ukraine, 2006, p.232-236 8. Azhazha V.M., Bakay A.S., Bobrov Y.P., Lavrinenko S.D., Pilipenko N.N., Petelguzov I.A., Savchenko V.I. Influence of electron irradiation and melt of fluoride salts on characteristics of alloys of Hastalloy type // Proceedings of International conference “Current problems in nuclear physics and atomic energy” (NPAE-Kyiv 2006) May 29-June 03, 2006, Kyiv, 2007, p.652-658. 9. Azhazha V.M., Semenenko V.E., Pilipenko N.N. Ni-Ni3B composite coating // Powder metallurgy and Metal Ceramics.- 2007. Vol.46, Nos.1-2. p.32-37 10. Neklyudov I.M., Azhazha V.M. and others. New technology of production of hafnium of nuclear purity // Scientific bulletin. Series: Physics, 2001, N 4 (14). P.127-132 11. Azhazha V.M., Tolstolutskaya G.D., Ruzhitskiy V.V., Kopanets I.E., Lavrinenko S.D., Pilipenko N.N., Ozhigov L.S.,Bobrov Y.p. Determining of volume concentration of hydrogen in material of welded joint N 111 of steam generatorof NPS // Heavy engineering industry. -2008. N6. P.32-34. 12. Azhazha V.M., Lavrinenko S.D., Pilipenko n.N. Vacuum metallurgy in UPTI-NSC KIPT // Academician Victor Evgenievich Ivanov, Kharkov: NSC KIPT, -2008, p.51-82 13. Azhazha V.M., Butenko I.N., Borts B.V. and others. Alloy Zr1Nb for nuclear power of IKraine // Nuclear physics and power. 2007, N 3(21), p.67-74 14. Azhazha V.M., Vyugov P.N., Lavrinenko S.D., Pilipenko N.N. Production of zirconium alloy and articles of this alloy in Ukraine // Physics and chemistry of materials treatment. -2009, N1. P.5-8. 15. Pilipenko N.N. Structural materials for components of equipment of nuclear-power plants // Bulletin of Kharkov university. Series physical “nuclei, particles, fields” -2009. N 859. P.44-50 16. Azhazha V.M., Lavrinenko S.D., Pilipenko N.N. High-purity metals in nuclear power // Development of nuclear power in Russia and Ukraine – factor of stable interstate cooperation. –M.: Sciewnce, 2009. – P.285-301 17. Pilipenko N.N. Investigation and developments for production of zirconium of nuclear purity and alloy on its base// VANT. Series: “Vacuum, pure metals, superconductors” – 2009. – N6. – P.12-18 18. Azazha V.M., Lavrinenko S.D., Pilipenko N.N., Tolstolutskaya G.D., Bobrov Y.P., Svinarenko A.P., Aksienova G.M. Extension of service life of structural materials and of metal of welded joints of equipment of NPS due to decrease of the effect of getter additions introduction // Problems of service life and safety of operationof constructions, structures and machines: 36 scientific papers acoording to the results obtained during 2007-2009yy. – Kiev, Institute of electric welding named by E.A.Paton of NAS of Ukraine. 2009. – p.174-179 19. Azhazha V.M., Lavrinenko S.D. Pilipenko N.N., Vyugov P.N., Bobrov Y.P., Dolya I.B. Development and substantiation of service life extension of elements of the core of nuclear reactors produced of zirconium alloys by new technologies // The same place. – P.216-222. 20. Efimov O.V., Pilipenko N.N. Constructions, materials processes and calculations of reactors and steam generators of NPS. Kharkiv: Publishing house “Textbook of NTU “KPI”, 2010. – 268 pages. |