The Department of Physics of Radiation Phenomena and Radiation Materials Science was established in 1975; theoretical and applied research on the interaction of neutron and charged particle fluxes with the main structural materials of the operating and promising nuclear and thermonuclear power plants is carried out there.
In the department, research on the physical nature and mechanisms of radiation phenomena, evolution under irradiation of structural states, composition and radiation resistance of new materials is actively being conducted. The work is carried out at the power units of nuclear power plants (NPP) of Ukraine, ensuring the safe operation for the metals of equipment and pipelines, as well as the extension of the specified service life.
The department includes 4 divisions, which employ 1 corresponding member of NAS of Ukraine, 3 Doctors of Sciences and 11 PhDs.
In the period of 2014 – 2018, about 300 works were published: the total of 115 publications in the journals indexed by "Web of Science" and "Scopus"; about 150 abstracts of reports at the international conferences; 4 monographs of more than 100 pages, as well as 7 preprints. Click here to see a more detailed list of publications.
– materials science of structural materials, operating and promising nuclear and thermonuclear power plants;
– modern simulation experiments, simulation of radiation exposure in structural materials;
– scientific support for the extension of service life for Ukrainian NPP by determining the real state of residual life for the metal of the main equipment of power units;
– studying the effect of microstructural changes induced by hydrogen and helium on the physical and mechanical properties of structural materials.
For the first time, the results on determining the parameters of swelling in structural materials at ultrahigh radiation doses and ultrahigh concentrations of transmutant gases (helium and hydrogen) were obtained. It was established that the behavior of radiation swelling for ferritic-martensitic steels depends on the concentration of helium and hydrogen, which have different effects on the kinetics and magnitude of swelling at different stages (in the incubation period and at the stationary stage).
During the incubation period, helium increases the swelling due to the earlier nucleation of pores. At the stationary stage, helium reduces the swelling, as their size is significantly reduced at high concentration of pores.
In various materials, the effect of helium tends to be similar. Like helium, hydrogen is also effective in accelerating the onset of swelling, but has less effect on pore nucleation. This can even lead to the increase in swelling at the stationary stage due to a moderate increase in the pore concentration. The results expand the understanding of fundamental radiation phenomena and associated radiation consequences, such as swelling and phase instability, as well as the use of this knowledge to develop radiation-resistant alloys for future reactor generations.
Tirr = 480°C
Tirr = 450°C
The effect of radiation damage on the retention and release of hydrogen and helium from austenitic and ferritic-martensitic steels was studied. It was shown that the main factor in the retention of helium is its energy binding with defects. The efficiency of deuterium capture in the region of displacement damage is decreased by two orders of magnitude at the increased irradiation temperatures.
At the power units of the South Ukraine (SU) NPP, the work on the diagnostic control of the metal for the equipment and pipelines was carried out. The main reasons and mechanisms for the fracture of welded joints No.111 between the collector and steam generator casing were found. The leading role of hydrogen, copper and manufacturing technology in the formation and development of discontinuities under the conditions of long-term operation was shown. It was established that in the sludge deposits of the VSG–1000 steam generato (SU NPP power unit No.3), the copper content under the morpholine regime is 5 – 7 times lower than under the standard ammonia water-chemical regime.
The experience gained in the diagnostics and control of the metal for the equipment and pipelines of NPP is used to solve the problems of thermal power plants (TPP). It was found that the reason for boiler destruction at the Starobeshevskaya TPP (power unit No.5) during the low-temperature tests was the increase of the ductile-to-brittle transition temperature of steel up to 70°С during long-term operation. Using the method of microsamples without violating the strength and integrity of the product, the ductile-to-brittle transition temperature of the boiler drum for the Lugansk TPP (power unit No.9) was determined and its performance was substantiated when the service life was extended.
In order to determine the causes and mechanisms for the formation of "internal" discontinuities (without through cracks), for the first time, the studies were carried out using the sample cut out during the repair of the welded joint between the collector and steam generator casing (No.111) at the SU NPP power unit No.3. It is shown that the initiation and development of defects starts with the inclusions of silicon carbide added to the metal during welding. It is from these inclusions that cracks develop when the power unit is cooled at a high speed. A slow controlled shutdown of the power unit during scheduled preventive maintenance in the cold season is recommended.
To substantiate the safe operation of the NPP reactor vessel, the optomechanical module was developed, manufactured and tested at the SU NPP stand for the simultaneous determination of residual stresses and hardness of the WWER–1000 reactor vessel metal. The method will be implemented as the operational control of reactor vessels, equipment and pipelines of Ukrainian NPP power units.
Deuterium retention in steel 316 on various defect structures
Using a special complex of methods, the data on the evolution of the defect microstructure and accumulation levels were obtained, as well as on the temperature range for the content of gas impurity atoms in austenitic and ferritic-martensitic steels. The thermodynamic parameters of the "metal-helium" and "metal-hydrogen" systems were determined. A significant content of hydrogen in traps associated with helium bubbles and voids was determined. This confirms the data obtained for the stainless steels irradiated in light-water reactors.
For the first time in world practice, studies on the evolution of structural and phase changes in metal were carried out using the metal for the main circulation pipeline (MCP) of WWER–1000 reactor after 32 years of operation by the advanced direct methods. The following signs of metal aging after long-term operation were found: structural changes both in the average grain size and composition of granular and lamellar pearlite. The decrease in the average size of carbide precipitates and their location at grain boundaries were revealed. The results of monitoring the mechanical properties and impact toughness (without violating the MCP integrity), together with the structural studies, made it possible to extend the service life of MCP for the SU NPP power unit No.1 until 2031 (technical solution ТР.1.0019.3827 dated 02.12.2016).
A device for determining the ductile-to-brittle transition temperature using small samples was developed, manufactured and tested. The samples were cut out at the operating NPP and TPP power units without violating the integrity and strength of equipment and pipelines. The device allows identifying the risk of occurrence and spread of brittle cracks.
Corrosion of steel 20 in the standby mode
The causes of leakage for the service water pipelines of responsible consumers at SU NPP were established. It is shown that the presence of excess amount of non-metallic inclusions in steel st. 20 for modern production results in the formation and development of corrosion defects, as well as in the subsequent destruction of pipes. It is also shown that the metal magnetic memory method makes it possible to control not only defects, but also the presence of non-metallic inclusions in pipes.
The control of the structure and properties for the ferrite-pearlitic steels st. 20, st. 16GS was carried out after 30 years of operation in the heat exchange system of the first SU NPP power unit. The methods of light, electron microscopy and temperature-dependent internal friction in pipe steels revealed changes in the pearlite substructure, which cause the development of local corrosion and destruction of the pipelines under operating conditions. It is proposed to modernize the current procedures for zonal-periodic monitoring of the heat exchange equipment for WWER–1000 power unit by improving the methods of temperature-dependent internal friction and metal magnetic memory.
Microstructural studies, data on electrical resistivity and hydrogen desorption from the base metal for the "cold" thread of the MCP circulation loop for the SU NPP power unit No.1 show the removal of impurities from the grains and their concentration along the boundaries. The increased concentration of impurities along the grain boundaries is also shown by the increase in the internal friction peak.
Dependence of hydrogen thermal desorption rate
Internal friction
Thin-film (V, Te, Mg) nanocrystalline porous Nx absorbents capable of accumulating more than 7 wt.% hydrogen in a short period of time (up to 100 s) at a relatively low pressure (0.3 – 0.4 MPa) were created and investigated. The gravimetric and kinetic characteristics of the films meet the requirements of the US Department of Energy (DOE).
For the first time, the influence of sink strength on the swelling of oxide dispersion strengthened (ODS) austenitic steels under irradiation with heavy ions was established. It is shown that the addition of ZrO2 and Y2O3 nano-oxides in the manufacture of ODS steel results in a significant decrease of the grain size and precipitation of secondary oxides. Also, the uniformity of oxide distribution over the sample is increased. A decrease in the grain size and precipitation of secondary oxides results in swelling decrease by more than 5 times. Swelling suppression is explained by the increase in the probability of point radiation defect recombination for the sinks, which are the “nanooxide-matrix” interfaces and grain boundaries. In this case, sink strength due to oxides is ∼ 4.86×1014 m-2, which is almost 35 times greater than the sink strength (∼ 1.41×1013 m-2) provided by the grain boundaries with their average size at the level of ∼ 1.2 microns.
Based on the statistical analysis of the data for the long-term monitoring of heat-exchange tubes (HET) for the SU NPP steam generators and metallurgical studies, the mechanism for the most of the operational damage to the tubes is established: cracking under the action of corrosion fatigue. Crack nuclei are nonmetallic inclusions of titanium carbonitrides on the surface of HET (08Х18Н10Т). Crack growth is stimulated by tensile stresses arising as a result of tube vibrations in the attachment points. Proposals for optimizing the control of HET were substantiated, approaches to plugging defective HET were proposed.
Using a number of experimental techniques (which make it possible to numerically control the kinetics of accumulation, volume distribution and thermally activated desorption of ion-implanted gas atoms), it was first established that the behavior of hydrogen, its mass transfer and accumulation in structural steel 316 are determined by the complex effect of the radiation-induced structure, the state surface and the presence of helium. For the first time, a correlation was established between the structure being developed upon irradiation and the level of hydrogen isotope accumulation. It was shown that the concept of using strong "useful" hydrogen traps capable of reliably retaining hydrogen throughout the entire service life of a nuclear object in the entire operating temperature range is of key importance to neutralize the harmful effects of hydrogen and increase the resistance of materials to hydrogen degradation in the event of exposure to thermo-radiation fields.
Critical levels of hydrogen storage
Energy of hydrogen binding with traps
It was shown for the first time that the radiation hardening of the steel 316 caused by the conservative nature of Frank loops restraining the motion of dislocations is a function of the radiation dose and reaches quasi-saturation with the radiation damage at the level of ∼ 1 dpa. Helium and hydrogen, when implanted to the concentrations of more than 1 at.%, increase the strength by 20 – 30% due to the dislocation component. These two factors (Frank loops and helium/hydrogen) increase the strength and yield strength by ∼ 1.8 times. The obtained results are the step towards the development of the fundamental principles for the correlation between the mechanical properties and radiation-induced microstructure of materials, which is developed under various radiation effects.
Dose dependence of hardening
Determination of dislocation loop type
Investigation of the mechanisms for structural and phase evolution of nuclear-power materials under radiation exposure. Development of the principles for producing materials with high radiation resistance.
Experimental research on the properties of solids being under the influence of plasma and charged particle beams. The research subject is: radiation damage; helium and hydrogen concentration; patterns of defect formation; ion-induced transformations; radiation phenomena depending on the irradiation characteristics and conditions.
Performance of work at NPP power units of Ukraine for ensuring safe operation of the metal for equipment, pipelines and service life extension.
Use of the the vacuum hot rolling method to manufacture the composite materials and products with extremely improved physical and mechanical characteristics. Research and development of the transitional "refractory metal/steel" bimetals, "high-speed steel/structural steel" bimetals, multilayered radiation-absorbing composites, nanostructured composites for various functional purposes.
1. | A.G. Guglya, Yu.A. Marchenko, E.S. Melnikova, V.V. Vlasov, E.N. Zubarev. Thin Film Nanopores (V, 10Ti)NxHy Hydrogen Storages. Problems of Atomic Science and Technology. Series «Physics of Radiation Effect and Radiation Materials Science». 2014, No. 2(90), p. 162 – 166. |
2. | A. Guglya, I. Marchenko. Ion Beam-assisted Deposition Technology as a Method of Nanocrystalline Coating Formation. Problems of Atomic Science and Technology. Series «Physics of Radiation Effect and Radiation Materials Science». 2014, No. 2(90), p. 125 – 136. |
3. | А. Гугля, Е. Мельникова. Перспективы использования тонкопленочных комплексных гидридов ванадия для создания твердотельных накопителей водорода. Обзор. Харьков. 2014, 34 с. |
4. | В.М. Аржавитин, Б.В. Борц, А.Ф. Ванжа, Н.Д. Рыбальченко, В.И. Сатин. Влияние микролегирования иттрием на релаксационные свойства меди. Фізико-хімічна механика матеріалів. 2014, №3, с. 97 – 100. |
5. | И.М. Неклюдов, Б.В. Борц, И.М. Короткова, В.И. Ткаченко. Примечательные явления природы: Ленгмюровские циркуляции. Методические указания к курсу «Ресурсосберегающие и экологически чистые технологии», Харьков: ХНУ им.В.Н.Каразина. 2014, 28 с. |
6. | B.V. Borts, Yu.G. Kazarinov, I.M. Neklyudov, S.A. Sirenko, S.F. Skoromnaya, V.I. Tkachenko. Experimental Study of Water (Micro) Droplet Formation from its Saturated Solution in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide. Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 2014, v. 8, No. 7, p. 32 – 38. |
7. | С.В. Габелков, Р.В. Тарасов, Н.С. Полтавцев, Е.П. Березняк, А.В. Пилипенко, А.Г. Миронова, В.В. Макаренко. Спекание магний-алюминиевой шпинели – инертной матрицы для изоляции высокоактивных отходов. Вопросы атомной науки и техники. Серия «Физика радиационных повреждений и радиационное материаловедение». 2014, №2(90), с. 107 – 110. |
8. | Е.П. Березняк, И.В. Колодий, А.В. Мазилов, Л.А. Саенко. Влияние облучения электронами и гамма-квантами на структуру и фазовый состав природного пирофиллита. Вопросы атомной науки и техники. Серия «Физика радиационных повреждений и радиационное материаловедение». 2014, №4(92). с. 23 – 30. |
9. | А.В. Никитин, В.В. Ружицкий, И.М.Неклюдов, Г.Д.Толстолуцкая, И.Е.Копанец. Влияние деформации на возникновение трещин в стали Х13М2БФР под действием потока ионов водорода. Вопросы атомной науки и техники. Серия «Физика радиационных повреждений и радиационное материаловедение». 2014, №2(90), с. 34 – 38. |
10. | Г.Д. Толстолуцкая, И.Е. Копанец, В.В. Ружицкий, В.А. Белоус, А.В. Никитин. Элементный состав и толщины покрытий для защиты сплава Zr1Nb от насыщения водородом. Вопросы атомной науки и техники. Серия «Чистые материалы и вакуумные технологии». 2014, №1(89), с. 184 – 188. |
11. | V.N. Voyevodin, V.V. Bryk, A.S. Kalchenko, I.M. Neklyudov, G.D. Tolstolutskaya. Simulation Technologies in Modern Radiation Material Science. Problems of Atomic Science and Technology. Series «Physics of Radiation Effect and Radiation Materials Science». 2014, №4(92), p. 3 – 22. |
12. | S.A. Karpov, I.E. Kopanets, V.V. Ruzhytskyi, B.S. Sungurov, G.D. Tolstolutskaya. Cooperative Effect of Displacement Damage and Inert Gas Impurities on Deuterium Retention in Austenitic and Ferritic-martensitic Steels. Problems of Atomic Science and Technology. Series «Physics of Radiation Effect and Radiation Materials Science». 2014, №4(92), p. 31 – 37. |
13. | В.Н. Воеводин, Л.С. Ожигов, А.С. Митрофанов, Г.Д. Толстолуцкая, В.В. Брык, Р.В. Василенко, В.В. Ружицкий, Е.А. Крайнюк, А.В. Бажуков, П.Е. Мельник, А.Н. Палий. Внутренние несплошности в швах сварных соединений приварки коллекторов к патрубкам корпусов парогенераторов на энергоблоках ВВЭР-1000. Тяжелое машиностроение. 2014, №11, с. 21 – 28. |
14. | Л.С. Ожигов, П.М. Вьюгов, В.И. Савченко, О.Е. Кожевников, А.Г. Руденко. Механические свойства высокочистого гафния. Вопросы атомной науки и техники. Серия «Чистые металлы, сверхпроводимость». 2014, №1(89), с. 60 – 63. |
15. | В.Н. Воеводин, Л.С. Ожигов, А.С. Митрофанов, С.В. Шрамченко, Е.А. Крайнюк. Идентификация несплошностей в металле сварного соединения корпуса парогенератора с коллектором на энергоблоках ВВЭР-1000. Вопросы атомной науки и техники. Серия «Физика радиационных повреждений и радиационное материаловедение». 2014, №4(92), с. 82 – 87. |
16. | И.М. Неклюдов, В.Н. Воеводин, И.Н. Лаптев, А.А. Пархоменко. О влиянии облучения на упругие модули металлических материалов. Вопросы атомной науки и техники. Серия «Физика радиационных повреждений и радиационное материаловедение». 2014, №2(90), с. 21 – 29. |
17. | Л.С. Ожигов, А.С. Митрофанов, В.И. Савченко, П.Н. Вьюгов, Е.А. Крайнюк. Определение пластичности металлических труб малых диаметров в тангенциальном направлении. Заводская лаборатория. Диагностика материалов. 2014, №3, т. 80, с. 60 – 62. |
18. | I.M. Laptev, O.O. Parkhomenko. «Paradox» of the void nucleation. East European Journal of Physics. 2014, No. 3, p. 113 – 120. |
19. | В.Д. Рисованный, Б.А. Шиляев, А.А. Васильев, К.В. Ковтун. Параметры и структура первичного радиационного повреждения гафния в активной зоне ядерного реактора. Scietific Conference «New Materials for Innovative Development of Nuclear Power Engineering». Димитровград, 2014, с. 18 – 21. |
20. | К.В. Ковтун, Б.А. Шиляев. Математическое моделирование радиационного повреждения гафния в активной зоне ядерного реактора деления. Препринт ННЦ ХФТИ 2014-1. Харьков: ННЦ ХФТИ. 54 с. |
21. | M.B. Toloczko, F.A. Garner, V.N. Voyevodin, V.V. Bryk, O.V. Borodin, V. Mel’nychenko, A.S. Kalchenko. Ion-induced Swelling of ODS Ferritic Alloy MA957 Tubing to 500 dpa. Journal of Nuclear Materials. 2014, v. 453, p. 323 – 333. |
22. | V. Novikov, V. Shishov, A. Shevyakov, V. Voevodin, O. Borodin, V. Bryk, R. Vasilenko. Investigation of the Microstructure of Zirconium Alloys Irradiated by Zirconium Ions in an Accelerator. Atomic Energy. 2014, v. 115, Iss. 5, p. 307 – 312. |
23. | A.S. Kuprin, V.A. Belous, V.N. Voyevodin, V.V. Bryk, R.L. Vasilenko, V.D. Ovcharenko, G.N. Tolmachova. High-temperature Air Oxidation of E110 and Zr-1Nb Alloys Claddings with Coatings. Problems of Atomic Science and Technology. Series «Vacuum, Pure Materials, Superconductors». 2014, No. 1(89), p. 126 – 132. |
24. | А.N. Velikodnyi, V.N. Voyevodin, M.A. Tiкhonovsky, V.V. Bryk, A.S. Kalchenko, S.V. Starostenko, I.V. Kolodiy, V.S. Okovit, А.М. Bovda, L.V. Onischenko, G.Ye. Storogilov. Structure and Properties of Austenitic Steel 08Cr18Ni10Ti. Problems of Atomic Science and Technology. Series «Physics of Radiation Effect and Radiation Materials Science». 2014, No. 4(92), p. 94 – 102. |
25. | А.В. Пермяков, В.В. Мельниченко, В.В. Брык, В.Н. Воеводин, Ю.Э. Куприянова. Устройство для моделирования эффектов взаимодействия нейтронных потоков с материалами ядерных реакторов. Вопросы атомной науки и техники. Серия «Физика радиационных повреждений и радиационное материаловедение». 2014, №2(90), с. 180 – 186. |
26. | Н.А. Азаренков, Р.Л. Василенко, В.Г. Кириченко, Т.С. Потина. Исследование характеристик сплавов циркония при окислении в газовой среде. Вопросы атомной науки и техники. Серия «Физика радиационных повреждений и радиационное материаловедение». 2014, №2(90), с. 97 – 102. |
27. | А.С. Куприн, В.А. Белоус, В.Н. Воеводин, В.В. Брык, Р.Л. Василенко, В.Д. Овчаренко, Г.Н. Толмачёва, П.Н. Вьюгов. Высокотемпературное окисление на воздухе оболочек из циркониевых сплавов Э110 и Zr-1Nb с покрытиями. Вопросы атомной науки и техники. Серия «Вакуум, чистые материалы, сверхпроводники». 2014, №1(89) с. 126 – 132. |
28. | В.Ф. Коршак, Ю.А. Шаповалов, О. Примак, А.П. Крышталь, Р.Л. Василенко. Структурные изменения в эвтектическом сплаве Bi-43 вес.%Sn в условиях сверхпластической деформации. Физика металлов и металловедение. 2011, т. 112, №1, с. 75 – 84. |
29. | В. Власов, А. Гугля, Ю. Марченко, Е. Мельникова. Абсорбция водорода тонкими пленками. Обзор. Успехи физики металлов. 2015, т. 16, №2, с. 85 – 117. |
30. | А.С. Куприн, В.А. Белоус, В.В. Брык, Р.Л. Василенко, В.Н. Воеводин, В.Д. Овчаренко, Г.Н. Толмачёва, И.В. Колодий, В.М. Лунёв, И.О. Клименко. Вакуумно-дуговые хромовые покрытия для защиты сплава Zr-1Nb от высокотемпературного окисления на воздухе. Вопросы атомной науки и техники. Серия «Физика радиационных повреждений и радиационное материаловедение». 2015, №2(96), с. 111 – 118. |
31. | Г.Д. Толстолуцька, І.Є. Копанець, В.В. Ружицький, В.А. Білоус, О.С. Купрін, В.Д. Овчаренко, Р.Л. Василенко, С.О. Леонов. Зниження насичення воднем цирконієвих сплавів при модифікації поверхні комплексною іонно-плазмовою обробкою. Вопросы атомной науки и техники. Серия «Физика радиационных повреждений и радиационное материаловедение». 2015, №2(96), с. 119 – 123. |
32. | Г.Н. Толмачёва, Г.Д. Толстолуцкая, С.А. Карпов, Б.С. Сунгуров, Р.Л. Василенко. Применение метода наноидентирования для исследования радиационной повреждаемости стали 316. Вопросы атомной науки и техники. Серия «Физика радиационных повреждений и радиационное материаловедение». 2015б №5(99), с. 168 – 173. |
33. | Y. Kupriianova, V.V. Bryk, A.S. Kalchenko, V.N. Voyevodin. Single and Dual Ion Irradiation Effects on Swelling Behavior of EP-450 Ferritic-martensitic Steel. East European Journal of Physics. 2014, v. 2, No. 1, p. 46 – 52. |
34. | A. BShevtsov, V.V. Bryk, Y. Kupriianova, V.N. Voyevodin. Facility for Modeling the Interactions Effects of Neutron Fluxes with Materials of Nuclear Reactors: Main Characteristics and Capabilities. Problems of Atomic Science and Technology. Series «Physics of Radiation Effect and Radiation Materials Science». 2015, No. 2(96), p. 186 – 189. |
35. | L.S. Ozhigov, N.N. Pilipenko, P.N. V'jugov, V.I. Savchenko, A.G. Rudenko, Y.A. Krainyuk, R.V. Azhazha, O.E. Kozhevnikov. Pecularities of Mechanical Properties of High-purity and Iodide Hafnium in Temperature Range 20 – 900°C. East European Journal of Physics. 2015, v. 2, No. 1, p. 60 – 62. |
36. | Л.С. Ожигов, А.С. Митрофанов, В.В. Ружицкий, Г.Д. Толстолуцкая, Н.Д. Рыбальченко, Е.А. Крайнюк. Водород в металле многослойного варного шва приварки еоллектора к корпусу парогенератора в энергоблоке ВВЭР-1000. Вопросы материаловедения. 2015, №2(82), с. 143 – 150. |
37. | Б.С. Сунгуров, Г.Д. Толстолуцкая, С.А. Карпов, И.Е. Копанец, В.В. Ружицкий, А.В. Никитин, Г.Н. Толмачева. Взаимодействие дейтерия с аустенитной нержавеющей сталью SS316. Вопросы атомной науки и техники. Серия «Физика радиационных повреждений и радиационное материаловедение». 2015, №2(96), с. 29 – 34. |
38. | И.Е. Копанец, Г.Д. Толстолуцкая, А.В. Никитин, В.А. Белоус, А.С. Куприн, В.Д. Овчаренко, Р.Л. Василенко. Влияние покрытий Cr, Cr-N и Cr-Ox на удержание и проникновение дейтерия в сплавы циркония Zr-1Nb. Вопросы атомной науки и техники. Серия «Физика радиационных повреждений и радиационное материаловедение». 2015, №5(99), c. 81 – 86. |
39. | A. Guglya, I. Marchenko. Ion Beam-assisted Deposition. In book: Comprehensive Guide for Nanocoatings Technology. v.1. Deposition and mechanisms. NOVA press, USA. 2015, p. 45 – 69. |
40. | В. Власов, А. Гугля, Ю. Марченко, Е. Солопихина (Мельникова), Е. Зубарев. Влияние газовых молекул из атмосферы на абсорбцию водорода нанокристаллическими пористыми (V,10 ат.%Ti)Nx плёнками. Металлофизика и новейшие технологии. 2016, т. 38, №3, с. 355 – 367. |
41. | Г.Д. Толстолуцкая, А.В. Никитин, В.В. Ружицкий, Н.Д. Рыбальченко, Р.Л. Василенко, И.М. Короткова. Развитие трещин в ферритной стали при облучении водородной плазмой. Вопросы атомной науки и техники. Серия «Физика радиационных повреждений и радиационное материаловедение». 2016, №2(102), с. 25 – 32. |
42. | С.О. Карпов, Г.Д. Толстолуцька, Б.С. Сунгуров, А.Ю. Ростова, Г.М. Толмачева, І.Є. Копанець. Радіаційне зміцнення нержавної сталі SS316, індуковане опроміненням іонами аргону. Фізико-хімічна механіка матеріалів. 2016, т. 52, №3, с. 74 – 80. |
43. | A.V. Nikitin, G.D. Tolstolutskaya, V.V. Ruzhytskiy, I.E. Kopanets, S.A. Karpov, R.L. Vasilenko, G.Y. Rostova, N.D. Rybalchenko. Temperature Dependence of Surface Topography and Deuterium Interaction with a Pure α–Fe Exposed to Low-energy High-flux D Plasma. Problems of Atomic Science and Technology. Series «Plasma Physics». 2016, No. 6(106), p. 117 – 120. |
44. | В.М. Лунёв, А.С. Куприн, В.Д. Овчаренко, В.А. Белоус, А.Н. Морозов, А.В. Ильченко, Г.Н. Толмачёва, Е.Н. Решетняк, Р.Л. Василенко. Структура и свойства покрытий W, Ta и W-Ta, синтезированных с помощью источника газовой плазмы. Вопросы атомной науки и техники. Серия «Вакуум, чистые материалы, сверхпроводники». 2016, №1(101), с. 140 – 144. |
45. | Л.С. Ожигов, В.Н. Воеводин, А.С. Митрофанов, Р.Л. Василенко. Виды и анализ дефектов в узлах приварки коллекторов к корпусам парогенераторов на энергоблоках c ВВЭР-1000. Теплоэнергетика. 2016, №10, с. 63. |
46. | Н.Н. Белаш, И.А. Чернов, В.В. Зигунов, В.А. Зуек, Ф.А. Пасенов, Е.П. Березняк. Исследование коррозионной стойкости и механических свойств таблеток гафната диспрозия. Вопросы атомной науки и техники. Серия «Вакуум, чистые материалы, сверхпроводники». 2016, №1(101), с. 167 – 170. |
47. | Н.Н. Белаш, И.А. Чернов, В.А. Зуек, В.В. Зигунов, Е.П. Березняк, И.В. Колодий. Коррозионная стойкость гафната диспрозия в теплоносителе реактора ВВЭР-1000. Сборник трудов «Проблемы коррозии и противокоррозионной защиты материалов». Спецвыпуск журнала «Физико-химическая механика материалов». Львов 2016, №11, с. 24 – 29. |
48. | М. Грицына, С.П. Клименко, А.А. Пархоменко, Т.П. Черняева. Радиационный рост титанового сплава ВТ1-0 при протонном облучении. Вопросы атомной науки и техники. Серия «Физика радиационных повреждений и радиационное материаловедение». 2016, №2(102), с. 10 – 16. |
49. | О.О. Пархоменко, В.М. Воєводін, Л.С. Ожигов, І.М. Лаптєв, В.І. Савченко, Ю.Е. Куприянова. Механізми радіаційної крихкості сталей ЕІ-852 та ЕП-450 опромінених до доз 10 – 100 зна. Фізико-хімічна механіка матеріалів. 2016, т. 2, №1, с. 44 – 50. |
50. | Л.С. Ожигов, А.С. Митрофанов, В.Н. Воеводин. Коррозия второго контура энергоблоков АЭС с ВВЭР-1000. Физико-химическая механика материалов. 2016, №5, с. 48 – 54. |
51. | V.N. Voyevodin, S.A. Karpov, I.E. Kopanets, V.V. Ruzhytskyi, G.D. Tolstolutskaya, F.A. Garner. Influence of Displacement Damage on Deuterium and Helium Retention in Austenitic and Ferritic-martensitic Alloys Considered for ADS Service. Journal of Nuclear Materials. 2016, v. 468, p. 274 – 280. |
52. | S.A. Karpov, I.E. Kopanets, B.S. Sungurov, G.D. Tolstolutskaya, A.S. Kalchenko. Microstructure Evolution and Deuterium Retention in SS316 Steel Irradiated with Heavy Ions, Helium and Hydrogen. East European Journal of Physics. 2015, v. 2, No. 4, p. 72 – 79. |
53. | A.V. Nikitin, G.D. Tolstolutskaya, V.V. Ruzhytskyi, V.N. Voyevodin, I.E. Kopanets, S.A. Karpov, R.L. Vasilenko, F.A. Garner. Blister Formation on 13Cr2MoNbVB Ferritic-martensitic Steel Exposed to Hydrogen Plasma. Journal of Nuclear Materials. 2016, v. 478, p. 26 – 317. |
54. | S.A. Karpov, G.D. Tolstolutskaya, B.S. Sungurov, A.Yu. Rostova, G.N. Tolmacheva, I.E. Kopanets. Hardening of SS316 Stainless Steel Caused by the Irradiation with Argon Ions. Materials Science. 2016, v. 52, Iss. 3, p. 377 – 384. |
55. | O. Morozov, V. Zhurba, I. Neklyudov, O. Mats, V. Progolaieva, V. Boshko. Structural Transformations in Austenitic Stainless Steel Induced by Deuterium Implantation: Irradiation at 295 K. Nanoscale Research Letters. 2016, 11:44, 13 p. |
56. | A. Guglya, E. Lyubchenko, Yu. Marchenko, E.S olopikhina, V. Vlasov. Crystal Lattice of Solid Body Can Store Simultaneously Both Molecules and Фtoms of Рydrogen in Quantities. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2016, v. 41, p. 9410 – 9417. |
57. | A. Guglya, A. Kalchenko, E. Solopikhina, V. Vlasov, E. Lyubchenko. Nanocrystalline Porous Thin Film VNx Hydrogen Absorbents: Method of Production, Structure and Properties. Journal of Advances in Nanomaterials. 2016, v. 1, No. 1, р. 1 – 10. |
58. | I.M. Laptev, O.O. Parkhomenko, V.I. Tkachenko. The Dualism of the Vacancies Nature in Nonequilibrium Systems. East European Journal of Physics. 2016, v. 3, No. 1, p. 41 – 48. |
59. | O.O. Parkhomenko, V.M. Voevodin, V.V. Bryk, Yu.E. Kupriyanova, I.M. Laptev, L.S. Ozhygov, V.I. Savchenko. Specific Features of the Radiation Brittleness of EI-852 and EP-450 Steels Irradiated Up to Doses of 10 – 100 dpa. Materials Science. 2016, v. 52, Iss. 1, p. 42 – 49. |
60. | Y.E. Kupriiyanova, V.V. Bryk, O.V. Borodin, A.S. Kalchenko, V.N. Voyevodin, G.D. Tolstolutskaya, F.A. Garner. Use of Double and Triple-ion Irradiation to Study the Influence of High Levels of Helium and Hydrogen on Void Swelling of 8-12%Cr Ferritic-martensitic Steels. Journal of Nuclear materials. 2016, v. 468, p. 264 – 273. |
61. | А.А. Пархоменко, Н.Г. Шевченко, Н.И. Айзацкий, Л.С. Ожигов, А.Н. Буки. Исследование атомных ядер электронами и фотонами с энергией до 300 МэВ. Монографія. Харків, «Міська друкарня». 2017. |
62. | Л.С. Ожигов А.С. Митрофанов Г.Д. Толстолуцкая, Р.Л. Василенко, А.Г. Руденко, В.В. Ружицкий, Н.Д. Рыбальченко, С.В. Шрамченко. Комплексные исследования металла барабанов котлов тепловых электростанций. Теплоэнергетика. 2017, №5, с. 40 – 47. |
63. | С.В. Гоженко, Л.С. Ожигов. Определение температуры вязкохрупкого перехода малой пробы металла акустико-эмиссионным методом. Вопросы атомной науки и техники. Серия «Физика радиационных повреждений и радиационное материаловедение». 2017, №2(108), с. 190 – 193. |
64. | B.A. Shylyaev, A.L. Ulybkin, A.V. Rybka, K.V. Kovtun, V.E. Kutny, A.O. Pudov, K.V. Kutny. Compton Detector of Neutrons for Energy Yield Cоntrol in Active Zone of WWER. Problems of Atomic Science and Technology. Series «Physics of Radiation Effect and Radiation Materials Science». 2017, No. 2(108), p. 75 – 82. |
65. | В.Н. Воеводин, А.С. Митрофанов, Л.С. Ожигов, Р.Л. Василенко, Н.Д. Рыбальченко, С.В. Гоженко, Е.А. Крайнюк. Эволюция микроструктуры металла главного циркуляционного трубопровода реактора ВВЭР-1000 в процессе его длительной эксплуатации. Вопросы материаловедения. 2017, №4(92). |
66. | В.Н. Воеводин, О.И. Волчок, Л.С. Ожигов, В.С. Оковит, Л.А. Чиркина. Влияние ультразвукового воздействия на релаксационные процессы и радиационное охрупчивание в корпусных сталях. Вопросы атомной науки и техники. Серия «Физика радиационных повреждений и радиационное материаловедение». 2017, №2(108), с. 3 – 13. |
67. | Б.А. Шиляев, А.Л. Улыбкин, А.В. Рыбка, К.В. Ковтун, В.Е. Кутний, А.О. Пудов, К.В. Кутний. Комптоновский детектор нейтронов для контроля энерговыделения в активной зоне ВВЭР. Вопросы атомной науки и техники. Серия «Физика радиационных повреждений и радиационное материаловедение». 2017, №2(108), c. 75 – 82. |
68. | Л.С. Ожигов, В.А. Белоус, В.И. Савченко, Г.И. Носов, В.Д. Овчаренко, Г.Н. Толмачeва, А.С. Куприн, В.С. Голтвяница. Роль наноструктурирования поверхностных слоев в повышении механических и коррозионных свойств реакторных материалов. Вопросы атомной науки и техники. Серия «Физика радиационных повреждений и радиационное материаловедение». 2017, №2(108), c. 168 – 172. |
69. | С.В. Гоженко, Л.С. Ожигов. Определение температуры вязкохрупкого перехода малой пробы металла акустико-эмиссионным методом. Вопросы атомной науки и техники. Серия «Физика радиационных повреждений и радиационное материаловедение». 2017, №2(108), c. 190 – 193. |
70. | Л.С. Ожигов, А.С. Митрофанов, Н.Д. Рыбальченко, Е.А. Крайнюк, Р.Л. Василенко, С.В. Шрамченко. Влияние неметаллических включений в низколегированной углеродистой стали на ресурс трубопроводов АЭС. Вопросы атомной науки и техники. Серия «Физика радиационных повреждений и радиационное материаловедение». 2017, №4(110), с. 59 – 64. |
71. | L.S. Ozhigov, A.S. Mitrofanov, V.N. Voevodin. Corrosion of the Second Contour of Power-Generating Units of Nuclear Power Plants with WWER-1000 Reactors. Materials Science. 2017, v. 52, Iss. 5, p. 654 – 660. |
72. | Г.Д. Толстолуцкая, А.Ю. Ростова, В.Н. Воеводин, А.Н. Великодный, М.А. Тихоновский, Г.Н. Толмачева, А.С. Кальченко, Р.Л. Василенко, И.Е. Копанец. Радиационное упрочнение высокоэнтропийных сплавов Cr-Fe-Mn-Ni, индуцированное облучением ионами аргона. Вопросы атомной науки и техники. Серия «Физика радиационных повреждений и радиационное материаловедение». 2017, №5(111), с. 40 – 47. |
73. | Г.Д. Толстолуцька, А.С. Купрін, В.М. Воєводін, А.В. Нікітін, В.Д. Овчаренко, В.А. Білоус, Р.Л. Василенко, І.Є. Копанець. Блістерінг W-, Та- і W-Та-покриттів під дією потоку частинок низькоенергетичної водневої плазми. Вопросы атомной науки и техники. Серия «Физика радиационных повреждений и радиационное материаловедение». 2017, №5(111), с. 83 – 90. |
74. | A.V. Nikitin, G.D. Tolstolutskaya, V.V. Ruzhytskiy, I.E. Kopanets, S.A. Karpov, R.L. Vasilenko, G.Y. Rostova, N.D. Rybalchenko, B.S. Sungurov. Application of Hydrogen Embritlement Models to the Blister Growth Behavior in 12Cr2MoNbVB Steel And α–Fe Exposed to Low-energy D Plasma. Problems of Atomic Science and Technology. Series «Physics of Radiation Effect and Radiation Materials Science». 2017, №2(108), p. 22 – 28. |
75. | С.Ю. Саенко, А.С. Ваг, В.А. Шкуропатенко, Е.П. Березняк, Ю.С. Ходырева, Р.В. Тарасов, В.Д. Вирич, Е.А. Улыбкина, А.В. Пилипенко, Г.А. Холомеев, А.В. Зыкова. Иммобилизация цезия в калий-магний-фосфатную матрицу. Вопросы атомной науки и техники. Серия «Физика радиационных повреждений и радиационное материаловедение». 2017, №4(110), с. 65 – 73. |
76. | E.P. Bereznyak, N.P. Dikiy, Yu.V. Lyashko, E.P. Medvedeva, D.V. Medvedev, V.L. Uvarov, I.D. Fedorets, Y.S. Hodyreva. Gamma Radiation Influence on Structure of Struvite-K. Problems of Atomic Science and Technology. Series «Nuclear Physics Investigations». 2017, No. 6(112), p. 122 – 125. |
77. | S.A. Karpov, G.D. Tolstolutskaya, B.S. Sungurov, V.V. Ruzhytskiy. Microstructure Evolution and Deuterium Trapping in Low-energy Cascades After Irradiation of SS316 Stainless Steel. Problems of Atomic Science and Technology. Series «Physics of Radiation Effect and Radiation Materials Science». 2017, No. 2(108). p. 36 – 40. |
78. | С.А. Карпов, А.В. Никитин, Г.Д. Толстолуцкая. Деградация железа и сплавов на его основе под влиянием водородной плазмы. Вопросы атомной науки и техники. Серия «Физика радиационных повреждений и радиационное материаловедение». 2017, №4(110), с. 3 – 16. |
79. | Г.Д. Толстолуцкая, А.С. Куприн, В.Н. Воеводин, А.В. Никитин, В.Д. Овчаренко, В.А. Белоус, Р.Л. Василенко, И.Е. Копанец. Блистеринг W-, Ta- и W-Ta-покрытий при воздействии потоками частиц низкоэнергетичной водородной плазмы. Вопросы атомной науки и техники. Серия «Физика радиационных повреждений и радиационное материаловедение». 2017, №5(111), с. 83 – 90. |
80. | A. Goncharov, A. Guglya, A. Kalchenko, E. Solopikhina, V. Vlasov, E. Lyubchenko. Nanocrystalline Porous Hydrogen Storages Based on Vanadium and Titanium Nitrides. Journal of Nanotechnology. Special Issue «Nanomaterials for Energy Storage Systems». 2017, v. 2017, ID4106067, 10 p. |
81. | A. Guglya, A. Kalchenko, Yu. Marchenko, E. Solopikhina, V. Vlasov, E. Lyubchenko. Nano-porous Thin Film VNx Hydrogen Absorbents: Method of Production, Structure Formation Mechanism and Properties. In book «Nanophysics, Nanomaterials, Nanotechnology, Surface Studies, and Applications». Springer International Publisher. Chapter 53. 2017, p. 693 – 703. |
82. | A. Guglya, E. Lyubchenko. Ion Beam-assisted Deposition of Cr-N, Ti-N and V-N Thin Films. In book: «Emerging Applications of Nanoparticles and Architecture Nanostructures». Elsevier Publisher. 2017, p. 68 – 102. |
83. | L.S. Ozhigov, A.S. Mitrofanov, G.D. Tolstolutskay, R.L. Vasilenko, A.G. Rudenko, V.V. Ruzhitskyi, N.D. Ribalchenko, S.V. Shramchenko. Comprehensive Investigation of the Metal in Drums of Boilers at Thermal Power Stations. Thermal Engineering. 2017, v. 64, No. 5, p. 350 – 356. |
84. | I.N. Laptev, O.O. Parkhomenko. On the Problem of Martensite Tetragonality Nature. East European Journal of Physics. 2017, v. 4, No. 3, p. 92 – 96. |
85. | O. Morozov, O. Mats, V. Zhurba, V. Mats, P. Khaimovich. Effects of Cold Deformation, Electron Irradiation and Extrusion on Deuterium Desorption Behavior in Zr-1%Nb Alloy. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B. 2017, v. 410, p. 37 – 40. |
86. | А.Н. Морозов. Т-с диаграмма фазовых состояний системы Pd-D. /b>Сборник докладов одиннадцатой международной школы молодых ученых и специалистов «Взаимодействие изотопов водорода с конструкционными материалами IHISM’16». 27 июня - 03 июля, 2016, г. Петрозаводск, Россия, с. 145 – 153. |
87. | A. Guglya, E. Lyubchenko. Thin Film Hydrogen Storages. In book «Handbook of Ecomaterials». Springer International Publisher. 2017, p. 1 – 27. |
88. | Б.А. Шиляев, А.Л. Улыбкин, К.В. Ковтун, В.Е. Кутний, А.В. Рыбка. Последовательное превращение изотопов гафния при облучении нейтронами в активной зоне ядерного реактора ВВЭР-1000. Препринт ННЦ ХФТИ 2017-1. Харьков, ННЦ ХФТИ. 2017, 32 с. |
89. | Б.А. Шиляев, А.Л. Улыбкин, А.В. Рыбка, В.Е. Кутний, К.В. Ковтун. Основы разработки нового комптоновского детектора нейтронов прямого заряда для активной зоны ядерного реактора ВВЭР-1000. Препринт ННЦ ХФТИ 2017-2. Харьков, ННЦ ХФТИ. 2017, 46 с. |
90. | A.I. Komir, N.P. Odeychuk, V.I. Tkachenko, A.L. Ulybkin, A.A. Nikolaenko. High-Temperature Oxidation of Nuclear Graphite With Account of Movement of the Surface Layerof of Oxidator. Problems of Atomic Science and Technology. Series «Vacuum, Pure Materials, Superconductors». 2018, No. 1(113), p. 142 – 147. |
91. | B.A. Shilyaev, A.L. Ulybkin, K.V. Kovtun, A.V. Rybka, V.E. Kutny, A.O. Pudov. Hafnium in Nuclear Power Industry: The Evolution of Increasing of the Economic Indicators and the Operation Safety of Pressurized Water Nuclear Reactors. Problems of Atomic Science and Technology. Series «Vacuum, Pure Materials, Superconductors». 2018, No. 1(113), p. 43 – 50. |
92. | A.L. Ulybkin, A.V. Rybka, K.V. Kovtun, V.E. Kutny, V.N. Voyevodin, A.O. Pudov. Compton-Emmissive Hafnium Detector of Neutrons for In-Core Monitoring. Nuclear Physics and Atomic Energy. Section: Atomic Energy. 2018, v. 19, Iss. 3, p. 237 – 243. |
93. | N.P. Dikiy, E.P. Bereznyak, S.N. Grigorov, Yu.V. Lyashko, E.P. Medvedeva, D.V. Medvedev, L.P. Rekova, Y.S. Hodyreva. Variation of Impurity Element Content, Structure and Phase Composition of the Teeth at Inflammatory Odontogenic Diseases. Problems of Atomic Science and Technology. Series «Nuclear Physics Investigations». 2019, No. 3(121), p. 47 – 52. |
94. | I.F. Kislyak, K.V. Kutniy, V.S. Okovit, M.A. Tikhonovsky, P.A. Khaimovich, I.V. Kolodiy, A.S. Kalchenko. Formation of Nanostructure and Mechanical Properties of Titanium with Different Purity. Problems of Atomic Science and Technology. Series «Physics of Radiation Effect and Radiation Materials Science». 2018, No. 2(114), p. 109 – 114. |
95. | В.М. Воєводін, А.С. Митрофанов, С.В. Гоженко, Є.О. Крайнюк, Р.Л. Василенко, І.М. Шаповал, А.В. Бажуков, А.М. Палій, П.Є. Мельник. Аналіз даних контролю теплообмінних труб парогенераторів ПГВ-1000 НА ЮУАЕС. Вопросы атомной науки и техники. Серия «Физика радиационных повреждений и радиационное материаловедение». 2018, №5(117), с. 82 – 86. |
96. | В.Н. Воеводин, А.С. Митрофанов, С.В. Гоженко, Е.А. Крайнюк, Р.Л. Василенко, А.В. Бажуков, А.Н. Палий, П.Е. Мельник. Эволюция основного металла ГЦТ «горячей» и «холодной» ниток энергоблоков Южно-Украинской АЭС в процессе эксплуатации на протяжении 200 тысяч часов. Вопросы атомной науки и техники. Серия «Физика радиационных повреждений и радиационное материаловедение». 2018, №5(117), с. 55 – 62. |
97. | V.V. Ruzhytskyi, S.А. Karpov, А.S. Kalchenko, I.Е. Кopanets, B.S. Sungurov, G.D. Tolstolutskaya. Helium Porosity Development During Annealing of Helium-implanted 18Cr10NiTi Steel. East European Journal of Physics. 2018, v. 5, No. 4, p. 28 – 35. |
98. | S.A. Karpov, G.D. Tolstolutskaya, V.N. Voyevodin, G.N. Tolmachova, I.E. Kopanets. The Dose Dependence of Inert Gases Irradiation Hardening of 316 Austenitic Stainless Steel After Low Temperature Irradiation. Problems of Atomic Science and Technology. Series «Physics of Radiation Effect and Radiation Materials Science». 2018, No. 5(117), p. 34 – 39. |
99. | A.S. Kuprin, V.A. Belous, V.N. Voyevodin, R.L. Vasilenko, V.D. Ovcharenko, G.D. Tolstolutskaya, I.E. Kopanets, I.V. Kolodiy. Irradiation Resistance of Vacuum Arc Chromium Coatings for Zirconium Alloy Fuel Claddings. Journal of Nuclear Materials. 2018, v. 510, p. 163 – 167. |
100. | B.S. Sungurov, G.D. Tolstolutskaya, S.A. Karpov, V.V. Ruzhytskiy, V.N. Voyevodin. Characterization of Dislocation Type Defects Formed at Low-energy Deuterium Irradiation of SS316 Stainless Steel. Problems of Atomic Science and Technology. Series «Physics of Radiation Effect and Radiation Materials Science». 2018, No. 2(114), p. 8 – 12. |
101. | A.V. Nikitin, G.D. Tolstolutskaya, I.E. Kopanets, S.A. Karpov, V.V. Ruzhytskiy. Kinetics of Blisters Growth in a Deformed α–Fe at Low-energy Deuterium Plasma Exposure. Problems of Atomic Science and Technology. Series «Plasma Physics». 2018, No. 6(118), p. 26 – 30. |
102. | S.A. Karpov, G.D. Tolstolutskaya, V.N. Voyevodin. The Most Probable Mechanisms of Material Characteristics Degradation Due to Accumulation of Hydrogen and Predicting the Possible Scenarios of Maintain Its Resource. Problems of Atomic Science and Technology. Series «Physics of Radiation Effect and Radiation Materials Science». 2018, No. 5(117), p. 3 – 16. |
103. | A.V. Nikitin, A.S. Kuprin, G.D. Tolstolutskaya, R.L. Vasilenko, V.D. Ovcharenko, V.N. Voyevodin. Comparison of Blistering of W Bulk and Coatings under H2, D2 and He Plasma Irradiation. Problems of Atomic Science and Technology. Series «Physics of Radiation Effect and Radiation Materials Science». 2018, No. 2(114), p. 29 – 34. |
104. | A. Guglya, A. Kalchenko, E. Solopikhina, V. Voyevodin, R. Vasilenko, V. Vlasov, E. Lyubchenko. Structure of Nano-porous VNx Thin Films Obtained by Ion-beam Assisted Deposition Technology. Thin Solid Films. 2018, v. 666, p. 130 – 136. |
105. | A.G. Guglya, V.A. Gusev, E.A. Lyubchenko. From Nanomaterials and Nanotechnologies to Alternative Energy. Progress in Physics of metals. 2018, No. 19, v. 4, p. 450 – 483. |
106. | А.Г. Гугля, Ю.А. Марченко. Нанокристаллические материалы в альтернативной энергетике. Обзор. Харьков, ННЦ ХФТИ. 2018, 48 с. |
107. | T.I. Mazilova, E.V. Sadanov, V.N. Voyevodin, V.A. Ksenofontov, I.M. Mikhailovskij. Impact-induced Concerted Mass Transport on W Surfaces by a Voidion Mechanism. Surface Science. 2018, v. 669. p. 10 – 15. |
108. | V.N. Voyevodin. Accelerators for Simulation of Radiation Damage. IAEA Nuclear Energy Series, No.NF-T-2.2. Asselerator Simulation and Theoretical Modelling of Radiation Effects in Structural Materials. p. 23 – 48. |
109. | V.M. Grytsyna, D.G. Malykhin, T.S. Yurkova, K.V. Kovtun, T.P. Chernyayeva, G.V. Kovtun, V.N. Voyevodin. Effects of Cross Rollihg and Stress Relaxation on Texture of Zr-2,5%Nb Plates. Problems of Atomic Science and Technology. Series «Physics of Radiation Effect and Radiation Materials Science». 2018, No. 5(117), p. 69 – 75. |
110. | В.М. Воєводін, Г.Д. Толстолуцька. Сучасний стан радіаційного матеріалознавства для забезпечення сталої ядерної енергетики України. Наука про матеріали: досягнення та перспективи. Академперіодіка. Київ. 2018, с. 35 – 62. |
ISSPMT Director
Head of research at the department
Deputy Academician-Secretary of the Department of Nuclear Physics and Atomic Energy of NAS of Ukraine
Vice-President of the Ukrainian Nuclear Society
Corresponding Member of NAS of Ukraine
D.Sci. in Physics and Mathematics by the specialty 01.04.07 – "Solid State Physics"
Phone. +38(057) 335-37-95
Fax. +38(057) 335-37-95
Research interests:
materials science of fuel and structural materials for operating and prospective nuclear reactors; physics of radiation phenomena and radiation materials science, evolution of the structural state and composition of the main structural materials under irradiation for nuclear power engineering, correlation of these processes with the radiation resistance of irradiated materials, development of new materials for nuclear power engineering.
Head of the Laboratory "Physics of Ion Beam Interaction with Materials"
D.Sci. in Physics and Mathematics by the specialty 01.04.07 – "Solid State Physics"
Senior Researcher
Phone. +38(057) 700-21-40
Research interests:
comprehensive studies for the processes of interaction of the accelerated gas ions with a solid (using the nuclear-physics and classical methods for solid state physics); investigation of hydrogen behavior in the functional and structural materials under the complex influence of operational factors.
Head of research at the laboratory "Electron-microscopic investigations of the structure of irradiated materials", senior researcher
PhD in Physics and Mathematics by the specialty 01.04.07 – "Solid State Physics"
Phone. +38(057) 335-65-84
Research interests:
investigation of the effect of ion irradiation on the radiation resistance of austenitic, ferrite-martensitic and oxide dispersion-strengthened stainless steels at high and ultrahigh doses to predict their behavior under reactor conditions during long-term operation.
Head of research at the laboratory "Reactor tests of new materials and investigation of pressure vessel materials", senior researcher
PhD in Technical Sciences by the specialty 01.04.07 – "Solid State Physics"
Phone. +38(057) 335-65-53
Research interests:
development and implementation of the new methods for diagnostics and control of the metal for nuclear reactor vessels, equipment, metal structures and pipelines during the operation of NPP and TPP.
Senior Researcher
PhD in Physics and Mathematics by the specialty 01.04.07 – "Solid State Physics"
Senior Researcher
Phone. +38(057) 700-21-40
Research interests:
investigation of the interaction processes for the accelerated ions (Н2+, D2+, He+, N2+, Ar+, Ne+, etc.) with the structural materials of nuclear and thermonuclear reactors and pure metals; investigation of thecchanges in physical and mechanical properties, phase and structural states of materials using ion implantation, thermal desorption mass spectrometry, electron microscopy and nuclear physics methods.
Senior Researcher
PhD in Physics and Mathematics by the specialty 01.04.07 – "Solid State Physics"
Senior Researcher
Phone. +38(057) 700-21-40
Research interests:
investigation of the interaction processes for the accelerated gas ions with a solid; investigation of the microstructure of metals under the influence of radiation; computer simulation for the processes of radiation-stimulated hardening of materials, as well as the behavior of implanted gases in metals and alloys.
Senior Researcher
PhD in Technical Sciences by the specialty 05.09.02 – "Structure and Properties of Materials"
Senior Researcher
Phone. +38(057) 335-65-42
Research interests:
investigation on the evolution of the structure and properties for the materials of heat exchange equipment for WWER–1000 reactors and steels for the main equipment of nuclear power plants after long-term operation; studying the defect structure and morphology of the operational damage, determination of the possibilities for non-destructive testing of metal degradation for NPP equipment.
Junior Researcher
Phone. +38(057) 335-65-84
Research interests:
experiments for studying the structure of irradiated zirconium and titanium, multilayer coatings and materials of nuclear power engineering using transmission and scanning electron microscopy.
Junior Researcher
Phone. +38(057) 335-67-53
Research interests:
studying the process of interaction of neutron and gamma radiation with a solid; calculation of nuclear transformation chains.
Junior Researcher
Phone. +38(057) 335-65-53
Research interests:
investigation on the structure evolution and mechanical properties for the materials of WWER–1000 core and the steels for the main equipment of NPP using magnetic and complex research methods.
Junior Researcher
Phone. +38(057) 335-31-74
Research interests:
investigation of the structure and properties for metals, bimetals and alloys using metallographic methods; processing of nanoindentation data on the hardening of SS316 austenitic steel and high-entropy alloys after gas-ion irradiation; investigation of the structure and properties for T91 steel after various modes of thermal and thermomechanical treatment.
Leading Research Engineer
Phone. +38(057) 335-61-69
Research interests:
development, production and investigation of adapter bimetals, multilayer radiation-absorbing composites and nanostructured composites for various functional purposes.