National science academy of Ukraine

National science center "Kharkiv institute of physics and technology"

Institute of high-energy and nuclear physics


Department of Mathematical Simulation and Research into the Nuclear Processes

Head Of Department - M. A. Khazhmuradov (Dr. Techn. Sc., Professor)

Phone/fax: (057) 3356846


  The department of mathematical simulation and research into the nuclear processes has been established on the base of computer-aided design (CAD) laboratory in 1993.
  The department activity was aimed to developing calculation methods using mathematical and simulation modeling. As a result, a great number of works on the nuclear process simulation and experimental data processing were carried out.
  The methods developed can also be used for solving applied problems in various fields of solid-state physics, plasma physics, energetics and medicine. A not quit complete list of problems that the researchers of the department have been dealing with recently is given below.
  1. Application of mathematical simulation techniques for developing experimental installations and studying the nuclear processes (Figure 1)
  2. Development of effective models and techniques for evaluating the environmental impact of radiation hazardous objects, including the spent fuel storage and transport facilities, spent fuel and radioactive waste storage containers of various types (Figure 2)
  3. Mathematical methods for diagnosis and prediction of the state of nuclear power engineering (Figure 3)
  4. Development of effective models and techniques for the purpose of applying advanced radiotechnologies in medicine for medical isotope production, cancer detection and treatment and to ensure radiation and environmental safety of available nuclear medical equipment (Figure 4, 5, 6)
  5. Development of cooling/conditioning systems for a compact lithium-ion battery module (Figure 7)
  6. Development of effective techniques to ensure the radiation and nuclear safety of next- generation nuclear installations and other radiation hazard facilities (Figure 8)
  7. Development of effective neutron- and gamma radiography techniques to detect nuclear weapons and to perform the non-destructive control of solid-fuel accelerators with expired guaranteed storage (Figure 9)
  8. Development of theoretical operation methods and mathematical simulation of high- performance nuclear radiation detectors based on the latest semiconductor and scintillation materials for use in scientific research and nuclear medicine
  9. Development of mathematical models, methods and technologies for simulation modeling of toroidal magnetic systems
  10. Applying mathematical modeling techniques to study the heat condition of surface in the process of coating deposition
  11. Development of effective techniques for localization of an unauthorized access to the gas condensate and petroleum pipe line using the neutron-nuclear method
  12. Mathematical simulation of a robotic parachute system in a controlled flight
  13. Development of a procedure for determining the efficiency of the decontamination of adsorbent, used in ventilation and air purification systems at NPP of Ukraine, from methyl iodide by applying non-radioactive materials
  14. Development of a technique for measuring the efficiency of the high-performance air (aerosol) filters, installed in the NPP ventilation systems, during routine inspections
  The researchers of the department have implemented more than 100 research and development projects. According to the results of the research carried out in the department, more than 400 scientific papers have been published in domestic and foreign scientific journals, 7 patents have been obtained, 5 Ph.D. dissertations have been defended. Currently, among the department's staff there are: 1 Dr. in Techn. Sci, 5 Ph.D. in Phys.-Mat. Sci, 2 Ph.D. in Techn. Sci.

Main realized projects

State registration №
Development of mathematical models and methods to optimize the nuclear facility parameters
III-5-16 (IHENP)
January, 2016 ‒ December, 2020
Departmental demand of the NAS of Ukraine for carrying out scientific research into the atomic science and technology at the National Science Center "Kharkiv Institute of Physics and Technology"
Fundamental nuclear physics research for needs of medicine, ecology and power engineering
III-6-16 (IHENP)
January, 2016 ‒ December, 2020
Departmental demand of the NAS of Ukraine for carrying out scientific research into the atomic science and technology at the National Science Center "Kharkiv Institute of Physics and Technology "
Study of radio- protective properties of composite materials and optimization of their composition for active waste disposal
April, 2016 ‒ December,2018
Task complex scientific research program of the NAS of Ukraine "Scientific support for developing the nuclear power complex and advanced nuclear technologies in 2016- 2018"
Modeling, optimization and experimental investigations on the production of isotopes Mo99, Cu67 and Yb175 for medical demands
April, 2016 ‒ December, 2018
Task complex scientific research program of the NAS of Ukraine "Scientific support for developing the nuclear power complex and advanced nuclear technologies in 2016- 2018"
Photonuclear method of Pm-149 production for the palliative therapy of bone metastases
NMRT- 4/2018
September, 2018 ‒ December, 2018
Task complex scientific research program of the NAS of Ukraine "Scientific maintenance for developing the nuclear power complex and advanced nuclear technologies in 2016- 2018"
Developing the systems of detection scintillators and studying their properties for use in the nuclear power engineering and high-energy physics (experiment CMS, CERN
September,2018 ‒ December, 2019
Task complex scientific research program of the Department of nuclear physics and power engineering at the NAS of Ukraine "Fundamental problems of nucleus physics, radiation safety, materials science and power engineering"

Main publications for recent 5 years

1. D.V.Fedorchenko, A.Tsechanski. Photoneutronic aspects of the molybdenum-99 production by means of electron linear accelerators // Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms. Volume 438, 1 January 2019, P. 6-13

2. V.G. Rudychev, Y.V. Rudychev, M.O. Azarenkov, I.O. Girka Efficiency of the dose rate calculation by Monte-Carlo method and point kernel method when handling radioactive waste // Problems of Atomic Science and Technology, 2018, № 2(114). Series: Physics of Radiation Effect and Radiation Materials Science (112), p. 63-69

3. G. Hoff, V. Denyak, H.H. Schelin, S.A. Paschuk. Validation of Geant4 on proton transportation for thick absorbers: study case based on 1Tschalär experimental data. // IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, v. 64, № 2, p.745-771 (2017)

4. Morokhovskii V.L. All Types of Coherent Radiations, which Arise in the Collision of Relativistic Electrons with Crystal // Problems of Atomic Science and Technology. Series: Nuclear Physics Investigations, Issue 64. ‒ 2015, No 3(97). ‒ P.109-122

5. Dikiy N.P., Dovbnya A.N., Fedorchenko D.V., Khazhmuradov M.A. GEANT 4 simulation of 99Mo photonuclear production in nanoparticles // Applied Radiation and Isotopes. 114. ‒ 2016. ‒ P.7-13

6. Klepikov V.F., Prokhorenko E.M., Lytvynenko V.V., Zakharchenko, A.A., Khazhmuradov M.A. Control of macroscopic characteristics of composite materials for radiation protection // Problems of Atomic Science and Technology. 2015. № 2(96), p. 193‒196

7. S.I.Prokhorets, E.V.Rudychev, D.V.Fedorchenko, M.A.Khazhmuradov. Models and methods for neutron diffractometer optimization // Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of the Chechen Republic. 2014, No 1(22), p.5‒10


  Main partners in Ukraine: Institute for Safety Problem of Zaporizhzhya NPP, Institute for Engineering Problems, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, Kharkiv National.
  Main foreign partners: ISF Consulting (USA), Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL Battele Memorial Institute, USA), Argonne National Laboratory (USA), Brookhaven National Laboratory (USA), General Motors (USA)


Fig. 1. Simulation of the energy-angle characteristics of the external radiation from the air- cooled SNF storage container at ZNPP

Fig.2. Simulation of the radioactivity-resistant containers and optimization of their materials in the process of radioactive waste disposal

Fig. 3. Simulation of the isotope composition, induced activity, gas emission and radiation damages in the reflection shield of the VVER-1000 reactor

Fig. 4. Simulation of the bremsstrahlung converters and targets for optimization of medical isotope production

Fig.5. Simulation of liquid-metal bremsstahlung converters used in superconducting high- current accelerators for medical isotope production

Fig.6. Simulation of nanoparticles for medical isotope production

Fig. 7. Thermostabilization of Li-ion batteries. Stand, solid models of the cooling surfaces, visualization of simulation results

Fig.8. Simulation of a new safe confinement at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant (ChNPP)

Fig.9. Simulation of the neutron radiography