QEDSP2006 Quantum Electrodynamics
Statistical Physics

2nd International Conference
September 19—23, 2006
Kharkov, Ukraine
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
National Science Center “Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology”
Akhiezer Institute for Theoretical Physics of NSC KIPT
Karazin Kharkov National University

Conference Proceedings

The Conference Proceedings will be published in English in a special issue of a journal Problems in Atomic Science and Technology, Ser. Nuclear Physics, published by NSC KIPT.

The Organizing Committee will review the received papers and because of the limited size of the journal not all the Conference presentations could be published.

The author guidelines can be downloaded here in English (107 KB) and in Russian (120 KB). The papers in electronic format must be forwarded at the address of the Organizing Committee.

The deadline for paper presentation is November 30, 2006. It is now prolonged till December 20, 2006.

The Conference QEDSP2006 will be held at the National Science Center
“Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology”, Kharkov, Ukraine

Organizing Committee Address:
   1, Akademicheskaya Str. 61108 Kharkov, Ukraine

E-mail: QEDSP2006@kipt.kharkov.ua

Tel.: +38 (057) 335 6462; +38 (057) 335 6864
Fax: +38 (057) 335 2683

WEB site: http://www.kipt.kharkov.ua/conferences/itp/QEDSP2006