XXIII International Workshop on Charged Particle Accelerators 

This Workshop is a continuation of All-Union workshops on Charged Particle Linear Accelerators held through 1973-1995 in Kharkov (odd year count); the XV- XVI  International Workshops on Charged Particle Linear Accelerators and the XVII-XXII  International Workshops on Charged Particle  Accelerators  (Alushta, the Crimea).

This Workshop will be held in Alushta at the hotel “Dubna” on September 08-14, 2013.

The primary purpose of this International Workshop is to bring together the active scientific community to discuss the current problems and prospects for electron and heavy particle accelerators and their applications in different fields. The Workshop Scientific Program shall preliminarily cover the following subjects:

  1. Status of the existing accelerators and new accelerator projects

  2. High-current pulsed accelerators

  3. Novel and advanced acceleration techniques

  4. Accelerator components

  5. Beam dynamics 

  6. Synchrotron radiation: sources and applications

  7. Beam applications, detectors and detecting nuclear radiations


Working Languages - Ukrainian, Russian and English.

Both original papers and reviews may be presented at the Workshop. A number of session contributions will be presented as posters.

The Book of Abstracts will be published before the beginning of the Workshop. 

You must follow the guidelines below for the preparation of your abstract:


Language -English and for participants from countries of FSU - English and Russian or Ukrainian.

bulletThe title, the name of the author(s), the full name(s) of Institute(s), the mailing address and e-mail (grouped by affiliation)  should be disposed at the beginning of the abstract.
bulletThe title should use uppercase letters.
bulletThe  name(s) of the author(s) and the full name(s) of Institute(s),  the mailing address and e-mail should use  upper and lower case letters.

Text (body of abstract) should not exceed 200 words. No figures and equations  will be accepted.

  The deadline for submission of Abstracts is 15 May 2013

 Authors may submit Abstracts on-line at the same time as Registration or by e-mail .   

Oral reports  will be published as papers in the journal Problems of Atomic Science and Technology  (VANT).  Reports may be prepared in English,  Russian or Ukrainian and in accordance to Guidelines for the Preparation of Papers.

The Workshop registration fee will be $165 ($60 for accompanying person) for the participants from the FSU and $300 ($110 for accompanying person) for the participants from other countries. The registration fee for the participants covers the expenses of the Organizing Committee and two Receptions. Meal and lodging in the hotel “Dubna”  will be cost about $385 (about $55 per day). Payments must be done at the Workshop.

For making a reservation at the hotel “Dubna” participants up to 15 May  have to register and  up to 15 August make by e-mail a confirmation of participation.

 All correspondence regarding the Workshop please mail to:

  Workshop Post-box: iwcpa@kipt.kharkov.ua


 Prof. Anatoly N. Dovbnya 

          Prof. Mykola I. Ayzatsky

          Olena V. Martakova