XXIII International Workshop on Charged Particle Accelerators

Instructions for Preparation of Papers

Oral reports submitted on the Workshop will be published in a journal "Problems of Atomic Science and Technology"  (VANT).

Authors from the FSU have to present a letter from the organization where the work was done and the permission for open publication.

Reception of the reports for publication:

bulletReports may be prepared in  English,  Russian or Ukrainian.
bulletThe size of the represented report should not exceed 5 pages.
bulletMaterials for publication may be submitted  by e-mail iwcpa@kipt.kharkov.ua up to 1 September  or at the Workshop.
bulletThe authors have to submit at the Workshop one printed copy for checkout.

Works have to comply with requirements, which you can find in this file: Template VANT.doc

  We apologize those authors, who use other platforms, but the opportunities of our publishing group are restricted only by platform MS Word.