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- S. Zub, L. Levchuk, P. Sorokin and D. Soroka, Grid middleware configuration at the KIPT CMS Linux cluster // Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, (on-line version can be downloaded from here ).
- L. G. Levchuk, D. V. Soroka, M. V. Voronko, S. S. Zub, LCG Middleware at the KIPT CMS Linux Cluster // Visnyk of Kharkov National University. Series: MIA. 2005. #5(703), P.74-86.
- L. Levchuk, P. Sorokin, D. Soroka and S. Zub, On preparation for CMS Data Analysis at KIPT // 10th Annual CMS/RDMS Collaboration Conference, St. Petersburg, Russia, 11 - 17 September 2005.(pdf)
- L. G. Levchuk, D. V. Soroka, M. V. Voronko, S. S. Zub, LCG Middleware at the KIPT CMS Linux Cluster// Kharkov University Herald (Series Mathematical Modelling. Information Technology. Automatic Control System). Kharkov 2004. (article accepted for publication) (doc)
- L. G. Levchuk, S. S. Zub, D. V. Soroka, P. V. Sorokin, and E. S. Martynov, Prospects for Grid-Based CMS Data Analysis at KIPT (in russian)// The 5-th International Scientific and Practical Conference on Programming (UkrPROG'2006), Kiev, Ukraine, May 23-25 (pdf)
- L. Levchuk, D.Soroka, P.Sorokin, M. Voronko, and S. Zub, Search for heavy Higgs in decays H-->ZZ-->llnunu and current status of the KIPT CMS Linux Cluster// Proc.IXth Annual RDMS CMS Collaboration Meeting, "Physics Program with the CMS Detector", IHEP, Minsk, Belarus, November 30 - December 2, CMS Document 2004-015 (ppt)
- L.G. Levchuk, D.V. Soroka, P.V. Sorokin, M.V. Voronko, S.S. Zub, On the possibility to observe a heavy Higgs via H0-->Z0Z0-->llnunu decays at CMS// Problems of Atomic Science and Technology, Ser."Nuclear Physics Investigations". Kharkov 2004. N5(44), p.9-13(doc)
- L.G.Levchuk, On the possibility to observe with CMS a moderately heavy Higgs decaying via H-->ZZ-->llnunu// Proc.VIIIth Annual RDMS CMS Collaboration Meeting, "Physics Program with the CMS Detector", JINR, Dubna, Russia, December 5-8, CMS Document 2003-018(ppt)
- L.G.Levchuk, P.V.Sorokin, D.V.Soroka, V.S.Trubnikov, and S.S.Zub, Signature l+l- +ETmiss at the CMS near H-->ZZ-->llnunu Decay Threshold// Proc.VIIth Annual RDMS CMS Collaboration Meeting, "Physics Program with the CMS Detector", IHEP, Protvino, Russia, November 13-15, CMS Document 2002-027 (ps.gz)
- L.G.Levchuk, P.V.Sorokin, D.V.Soroka, and V.S.Trubnikov, NSC KIPT Linux Cluster for Computing within the CMS Physics Program// Problems of Atomic Science and Technology, Ser."Nuclear Physics Investigations". Kharkov 2002. N2(40), p.49-51(doc)
- L.G.Levchuk, Possibilities to Observe Heavy Higgs Signal in H-->ZZ-->l+l-nunu~ Decays at CMS// Proc. VIth Annual RDMS CMS Collaboration Meeting, Physics Program with the CMS Detector, Moscow, Russia, December 19-21, 2001, p.547-549
- L.G.Levchuk, D.V.Soroka, and V.S.Trubnikov, NSC KIPT Linux Cluster for Computing Activities on CMS Physics// Proc. VIth Annual RDMS CMS Collaboration Meeting, Physics Program with the CMS Detector, Moscow, Russia, December 19-21, 2001, p.551-552
- L.G.Levchuk, S.V.Marekhin, and P.V. Sorokin, Simulations of the CMS endcap calorimeter resolution, CMS TN-1996/090(ps)
- L.G.Levchuk, S.V.Marekhin, and P.V. Sorokin, Influence of Inert Material on the Parameters of the CMS Endcap Hardron Calorimeter, CMS TN-1995/113
- L.G.Levchuk, S.V.Marekhin, and P.V. Sorokin, Monte Carlo Simulation at the CMS Endcap Calorimeter, CMS TN-1995/078
KIPT CMS Physics/Computing Group If you have any questions/comments, send e-mail to: