Location: [Home Page] CMS Monte Carlo Production at KIPT
Data Set | Number of events generated | Data type | hi02_photon100_110 | 1000 | CMSIM |
hi02_qcd80_90 | 5000 | CMKIN+CMSIM |
hi02_qcd100_110 | 1000 | CMKIN+CMSIM |
hi02_qcd100_110 | 5000 | CMKIN+CMSIM |
eg02_BigJets | 85250 | CMKIN+CMSIM+HITS+DIGI+RECO |
bt03_qcd120_170_tth | 80000 | CMKIN |
eg03_Wenu_calibration | 99500 | CMKIN+CMSIM |
jm03_Wjets_20_50 | 100000 | CMKIN |
eg03_Zee | 100000 | CMSIM |
tt_ch_140_tb20 | 150000 | CMKIN+CMSIM+HITS |
The latest information about participation of our group in the CERN CMS Monte-Carlo event production you can get following the instruction: