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PUBLICATIONS Monographs 1. Hafnium in nuclear power. Azhazha V.M., Starolat M.P., Kovtun K.V. Kharkov, 1999, 115 p.
2. Technology of production of articles of zirconium alloys for nuclear power and some properties of zirconium alloys. Azhazha V.M., Vakhrusheva V.S., Dergach T.A., Sokolenko V.I., Malikhin D.G., Kovtun K.V. Kharkov, 2002, 67 p. 3. Beryllium – structural material of air-space technique. Azhazha V.M., Babun A.V., Kovtun K.V., Sanin F.P., Sanin A.F. Publisher “ARK-press”, 2005, 306 p. 4. Reference book for identification of nuclear materials and materials of double use. N.P.Odeyichuk, I.M.Neklyudov, K.V.Kovtun. Kharkov: NSC KIPT, 2008, 280 p. Main publications: 1. New beryllium materials. / Tikhinskij G.F., Stoev P.I., PapirovI.I., Babun A.V., Vasil`ev A.A.// Journal of Nuclear Materials.- 1996.-233-237.-P.828-831. 2. Babun A.V. Porous beryllium materials made from sprayed powders // Functional Materials. - 2000. - V.7, No.2. - P.361-363. 3. New beryllium materials on atomised powders / Tikhinskij G.F., PapirovI.I., Babun A.V., Bobylev G.G., Vasil`ev A.A. // Powder Metallurgy. – London.-1994 - vol. 37, No.3. –P.222-224. 4. Behavior of amorphous metal alloy mirrors under ion bombardment V.S. Voitsenya, A.S. Bakai, A.F. Bardamid, V.G. Konovalov, K.V. Kovtun, D.I. Naidenkova, I.V. Ryzhkov, A. F. Shtan’, S.I. Solodovchenko, O.V. Trembach, A.A. Vail’ev J. Plasma Fusion Res. SERIES, Vol. 8, p.1379-1784 (2009). 5.“Powder metallurgy of beryllium” / Babun A.V., Neklyudov I.M., Azhazha V.M., Kovtun K.V.,Vasiliyev A.A., Bobilev G.G. // “Modern material sciemce: achievements and problems”, “Technique of mechanical engineering”, M., 2006 N 2, p.2-6. 6. Powder metallurgy of beryllium: developments of NSC “Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology”. / Babun A.V., Neklyudov I.M., Azhazha V.M., Kovtun K.V., Vasiliyev A.A., Bobilev G.G.// Powder metallurgy, N 3-4, 2006. 7. Thermal stability of beryllium materials produced on the base of atomized powders. / Babun A.V., Vasiliev A.A., Kovtun K.V., Kornienko L.A. // Voprosy atomnoy nauki i technique. Series: Vacuum. Pure metals. Superconducters. -2007, N4, p.24-28. 8. Study of the influence of residual gases compositions during distillation on the content of gaseous impurities in the beryllium condensate // A.V.Babun, A.A.Vasiliyev, V.D.Virich, O.V.Kisel, K.V.Kovtun, A.D.Solopikhin, I.V.Shpagin / Voprosy atomnoy nauki i technique. Series: Vacuum. Pure metals. Superconducters. -2007, N4, p.13-18. 9. Influence of plastic deformation on electrical conductivity of high-purity beryllium. Voprosy atomnoy nauki i technique. Series: Vacuum. Pure metals. Superconducters. N6 (64) 2009, p.49-52. 10. Vasilev A.A., Malykhin S.V., Merisov B.A., Pugachev A.T., Trembach O.V. Khadzhai G.Ya. Resistivity of bulk amorphous ZrTiCuNiBe and its polycryctalline analogue //Low Temperature Physics, 2010 v.35. #11, p.887-890. 11. A.V.Babun, A.A.Vasiliyev, K/V/Kovtun, M.P.Starolat, S.P.Stetsenko, O.V.Trembach, S.V.Khovrich. Intense plastic deformation of beryllium – structure and mechanical properties. Physics and technique of high pressures, V.20, N 2, p.133-142. 12. A.F. Bardamid, V. S. Voitsenya, J. W. Davis, V. G. Konovalov, K.V. Kovtun, I.V. Ryzhkov, A.F. Shtan, S.I. Solodovchenko, O.V. Trembach, A.A. Vasil’ev, U. Breuer and A. Litnovsky5 Comparison of the behavior of Zr(41.2%)Ti(13.8%)Cu(12.5%)Ni(10%)Be(22.5%) amorphous and crystallized mirrors under deuterium ion bombardment //Journal of Alloys and Compounds 514, (2012), 189-194. 13. Preparation of production of structural materials of hafnium. Neklyudov I.M., Azhazha V.M., Kovtun K.V., Vasiliyev A.A., Azhazha R.V., Stetzenko S.I., Starolat M.P., Lindt K.A., Balkov V.M., Popov V.I., Mochalov Y.V. Science and innovation, 2009, 5, N2, 23-31 14. Influence of thermal treatment on properties and structure of hydro extruded hafnium. Kovalenko I.M., Vasiliyev A.A., Makarenko V.V., Kovtun K.V., Starolat M.P. Physics and technique of high pressures 2009, N4. 15. Investigation of microstructure, of texture and mechanical properties of rolled hafnium. R.V. Azhazha, A.A.Vasiliyev, S.P.Stetzenko L.N., V.V.Makarenko, L.S.Ozhigov, A.G. Rudenko, I.N.Butenko, K.V.Kovtun, A.V.Terukov. VANT Series: Vacuum. Pure materials. Superconductors. N6(64) 2009y, p.25-31. 16. Influence of the temperature of intense plastic deformation (300 and 77 K) on recovery of physical-mechanical properties of zirconium. M.B.Lazareva, V.S.Okovit, L.A.Chirkina, M.P.Starolat, V,V.Kalinovskiy, I.F.Borisova, V.I.Sokolenko, K.V.Kovtun. VANT, Series: Vacuum. Pure materials. Superconductors. N6 (64) 2009, p.32-34. 17. Temperature Effect of severe plastic deformation (300 and 77 K) to return the physical and mechanical properties of zirconia. M.B. Lazarev, V.S. Okovit, L.A. Chirkina, M.P. Starolat, V.V. Kalinowski, I.F. Borisova, V.I. Sokolenko, K.V. Kovtun VANT Series: Vacuum. Pure materials. Superconductors number 6 (64), 2009, p. 32-34. 18. Vus A.S., Malykhin S.V., Pugachov A.T., Reshetnyar E.N., Azhazha R.V., Kovtun K.V., Structure and stress state of ion-plasma hafnium condensates //Functional Materials 14, No.2,(2007) P.1-5. 19. V S Voitsenya*, A F Bardamid1, A I Belyaeva2, V G Konovalov, K V Kovtun, D I Naidenkova, V I Ryzhkov, A F Shtan’, K A Slatin2, S I Solodovchenko, O V Trembach and A A Vasil’ev .//Ion-bombardment modification of the surface of mirrors fabricated of ZrTiCuNiBe amorphous alloys Third International Workshop & Summer School on Plasma Physics 2008 IOP Publishing Journal of Physics: ConferenceSeries 207 (2010) 012016. 20. I.M.Neklyudov, V.M.Azhazha, K.V.Kovtun, A.A.Vasiliyev, A.D.Solopikhin, M.P.Starolat, S.PStetzenko, K.A.Lindt, V.M.Bolkov, V.I.Popov, Y.V.Mochalov. // Preparation of production of hafnium rods. Science and innovations. 2010, V.6, N6, p.5-13 21. Shiliyaev B.A., Babun A.V., Vasiliyev A.A., Kovtun K.V., Pugachev G.D., Starolat M.P. Simulation of the behavior of reactor isotropic beryllium under irradiation by beams of electrons. Proceedings of international conference MEEE 2010 “Materials and coatings in extreme conditions: investigation, application, ecologically pure technologies of production and utilization of articles” Kiev, 2010. 22. Shiliyaev B.A., Babun A.V., Vasiliyev A.A., Kovtun K.V., Pugachev G.D., Starolat M.P. Radiation resistance of beryllium in the flux of electron with energy 30 MeV.// Proceedings of international conference on physics of radiation phenomena and radiation material science. Alushta 2010. 23. M.P.Starolat, A.A.Vsiliyv, S.P.Stetzenko, R.V.Azhazha, K.V.Kovtun. Influence of annealing on properties and structure of deformed hafnium. // Bulletin of Kharkov National university named by V.N.Karazin, physical series: nuclei, particles, fields 2010, v.899, issue 2(46) p.83-86. 24. I.M.Neklyudov, M.P.Starolat, A.A.Vasiliyev, A.A.Parkhomenko, S.P.Stetzenko, R.V.Azhazha, V.V.Makarenko, K.V.Kovtun. Investigation of the character of failure and mechanical properties of hafnium in temperature range 77-673 K // Bulletin of Kharkov National university named by V.N.Karazin, physical series: nuclei, particles, fields 2011, v.955, issue 2(50) p.84-89 25. K.V.Kovtun. Fatigue of polycrystalline hafnium in the range of temperatures 77-650 K Bulletin of Kharkov National university named by V.N.Karazin, physical series: nuclei, particles, fields 2011, v.946, issue 1(49) p.66-69. 26. P.I. STOEV, M.P. Starolat, A.A.Vasiliev, S.V.Khovrich, K.V.Kovtun. Acoustic emission of hafnium under tensile deformation. // Problems of strength. – 2011 N2. P.160-168. 27. A.V.Babun, V.V.Vasiliyev, K.V.Kovtun, G.D.Pugachev, M.P.Starolat, B.A.Shiliyev. Accumulation of radiation damage in beryllium with the use of charged particles accelerators // VANT. Series Nuclear-physical investigations // 2012 N3 (79), p.204-206. 28. V.D.Risovanyi, A.A.Vasiliev, B.A.Shiliyaev, R.V.Azhazha, K.V,Kovtun. Hafnium – material for systems of compensation of excess reactivity in nuclear power reactors // VANT. Series: Physics of radiation damage and radiation material science. 2013. N2(84). P.118-122. 29. R.V.Azhazha, K.V.Kovtun, A.A.Vasiliyev, M.P.Starolat, L.N.Chepurnaya. Investigation of structure and properties of hafnium wire // Metallophysics, new technologies. 2013, v.35, N5, p.677-682. 30. A.S.Bakai, K.V.Kovtun, L.N.Davydov Combained effect of irradiation and Molten Fluoride Salt on Ni-based Alloys, Thorium Energy iThEC13, CERN, 2013.
31. P.I.Stoev, A.A.Vasiliev, K.V.Kovtun. Peculiarities of acoustic emission under plastic deformation of hafnium // Bulletin of Kharkov National university named by V.N.Karazin, physical series: nuclei, particles, fields 2013, v.1069, issue 4(60) p.87-94.