XV th International Conference on Physics
of Radiation phenomena and Radiation
 Material Science


Alushta`s conferences and seminars  on radiation
 material science have been held since 1977.

Organizing committee congratulates all Alushta Conference participants on 25 th anniversary!


will be held in Alushta, Crimea, Ukraine, at the hotel “Dubna” from 10 to15 June 2002


The purpose of this conference is to provide an international forum for presentation and exchange of new information on full spectrum of basic problems of radiation phenomena , radiation materials science and materials engineering


The main topics of the conference are:

o        physics of radiation phenomena and radiation damage in solids ;

o        materials, nuclear fuel for reactors on thermal neutrons;

o        state and problems of fast neutron reactor cores structural materials;

o        state and problems of thermonuclear reactor cores structural materials;

o        physics of radiation and ion-plasma engineerings ;

o        irradiation facilities, nuclear-physics methods of structure and
 properties study of solids.

The conference will include both invited and contributed papers, which will be presented in plenary, oral and poster session. The official languages of the XV th Conference will be Russian, Ukranian and English. Each  person wishing to participate in the conference should submit the acceptance of participation.

 The authors should also submit their papers titles by 1st March 2002 to the organizing  committee adress. We intend to publish the paper`s abstracts as “The XV-th conference proceedings” by the conference beginning. All abstracts  in russian, ukrainian, or english must not exceed two pages and should be submitted not later than 31 st March 2002. The abstract must be prepared for copy and must be officially designated by the relevant governmental authority. The full length papers should not exceed 10 pages, typed 1,5 spaced on A4 format. The papers will be published after editorial board approval in a special volume of the journal of “Problems of Atomic Science and technology. Series: physics of radiation damage and  radiation materials science”. Two copies of the final manuscript (in Russian, Ukrainian, or English)  must be presented at the time of registration.

The further information on the conference fee and another details will be presented in the second announcement.


For all information about conference participation please contact:

Ph:380(0572) 35-37-95; Fax: 380 (0572) 35-17-03;
             (Benedikt Lyudmila Alexandrovna)


E-mail: ;


Any correspondence to the organizing committee should be addressed to
the chairman of the programms committee associate member of NAS of Ukraine
 Prof. I.M.Neklyudov:

1, Academic Street, 61108, Kharkov, Ukraine

Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology.