A one page abstract must be submitted till 15 July 2008. The abstract may be text only or contain figures and graphics, but must be only one page long. It must contain the authors’ names, affiliation and e-mail address. Acceptable file formats are Microsoft Word preferable) or PDF.
The filename should be in the following format:


for example:        Spitzer.I.N.-D.doc         or       Spitzer.I.N.-D.pdf

Please submit the abstract by e-mail indicating the name of the meeting in the subject field.

Contributors of material to be included in the Agency proceedings are required to assign all copyrights or rights to publish to the Agency. Please complete and sign Form B and send a copy, together with the abstract copy, to the IAEA Scientific Secretary by post or email (please see address at the end of this announcement).

The authors should make sure that the files do not include copyrighted fonts or other impediments for reproduction.
Authors will be informed on the acceptance of their contributions by e-mail approximately by the middle August 2008.
Papers of authors which have not been nominated officially cannot be included in the programme.

The abstract shall be prepared according to the following instructions:

1) Page size: LETTER (21.59 mm by 27.94 mm) – vertical orientation
2) Margins 25mm all around
3) Layout:
Title: single-spaced, 14-point size, Times New Roman Font, bold
Authors: single-spaced, 12-point size, Times New Roman Font
Affiliation: single-spaced, 12-point size, Times New Roman Font, italic
Text: 1.5 spaced, 12-point size, Times New Roman Font
Length: one page

In case of sending Microsoft Word files, authors should use True Type Embedded Fonts (when saving the file, click Tools, then Options, and tick Embed True Type fonts. This will help prevent change of fonts when the file is read in a different).

A Book of Abstracts will be compiled for free distribution at the meeting to every participant.
