Guidelines for the Preparation of Abstracts

The deadline for the submission of abstracts is 1 May 1999. Authors may submit abstracts by e-mail ( or on diskette for use on PC (Word only).

You must follow the guidelines below for the preparation of your abstract:

Language -

English and for Ukraine authors it must be translated in Ukraine, for other countries of FSU - in Russian

Size and Layout -

One continuous (unbroken sequence), single-spaced paragraph. No Equation Editor will be accepted.

One vertical space before footnotes, if any

The abstract should not exceed 200 words

Use only TIMES NEW ROMAN (regular, bold or italic) or Symbol fonts, 10 pt minimum

Contents Listed in Sequence -

Title of Paper (first letter of each main word capitalized)

Authors names in capital letters, in alphabetical order and grouped by affiliation Affiliations should be abbreviated with capitalization as in title

Text (body of abstract)

One blank vertical space (if there are footnotes)

Indicate references to title or authors with “*”, “**”, etc.

Indicate footnotes to text with [1], [2], etc.

Authors are reminded that it is their responsibility to properly classify their abstracts accordingly Classification Numbers

  1. Status of the existing accelerators and new accelerator projects
  2. Beam dynamics and formatting in linear accelerator
  3. Accelerator components, accelerating structures, rf-systems
  4. Beam diagnostics and parametric control precision beamlet production, accelerator operation automated control
  5. High-current pulsed accelerators
  6. Novel and advanced acceleration techniques
  7. Beam application.

Submitting Author Information

First Name and Family Name __________________________________


Full address_____________________________________________________________

Country _________ Postal Code ____________________ Town __________________

Tel ______________ Fax ___________________________ E-mail _________________

Classification Number _______________

Presentation Option

Oral Poster

When are you going to make a payment

In advance At the Workshop