Instructions for preparation of papers at the 16th International Workshop on charged particle linear accelerators
September 6-12, 1999, Alushta, the Crimea, Ukraine.
- Reception of reports for publication:
- The reports submitted on the Workshop
with the corresponding permission will be published in a magazine VANT or as Proceedings of the Workshop.
- Reports should be prepared
in English only.
- The size of the represented report should not exceed 3 pages.
- Materials for publication are represented during the Workshop.
- The authors represent electronic variant of the report on a diskette (3,5 ") and one printed copy for checkout.
- The surname of the first author and name of the report should be precisely written on the diskette.
- Requirements to registration of a file:
- The file with the report should be prepared only in MS Word without compression.
- The size of page is A4.
- Fields (cm): top- 1,8; bottom- 2,0; left - 2,5; right - 2,0.
- The pages should be without numbering.
- Fonts are Times New Roman and Symbol (it concerns as well the formulas).
- Distance between lines is 1 interval.
- The name, full name of the author(s), the name(s) of institute(s) are disposed in the beginning of the report and are formatted in one column.
- The name is typed by capital letters, font is Bold, size is 14 pt.
- Full name(s) of the author(s) and institute(s) are typed with use of the size 14 pt.
- The text of the report should be formatted in two columns with distance between columns 0,6 cm.
- The sections can be two-level. The headings of sections are typed by capital letters, font - Bold, the size is 14 pt and it is centered.
- The text, tables, signatures to figures and the formulas are typed with use of the size 10 pt.
- The references should be numbered and are typed at the end of the report with use of the size 10 or 8 pt.
- The illustrations (only black-and-white or grey) should be prepared with use only MS Word and to be inserted into the text in a certain place. If the authors used other programs (Excel, Corel Draw) for preparation of illustrations, they should be inse
rted into the text as Word-picture.
- The photos should be scanned with the resolution up to 300 dpi and are inserted into the text as Word-picture.
- The arrangement of large figures, formulas and tables in one column is supposed.
We apologize those authors, who work on other platforms, but the opportunities of our publishing group are restricted only to platform MS Word.